Day 25 - halfway point!! How do you feel?

FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
Well seeing as I somehow avoided a binge last night, I feel pretty awesome!! This journey so far hasn't been easy and I've had moments of weakness where I did overeat. But I managed not to truly binge and it made me uncomfortable. And I've grown bc of that.

Here's to more growth!!


  • GreenLaura22
    GreenLaura22 Posts: 110 Member
    Here, Here!

    Not where I want to be....But grateful to not be where I was : )
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I feel terrible. I had to put my dog to sleep today and I think I learned my binge eating may be more emotional than I ever thought. I got home with the kids, they had been at my brothers through dinner, gave them a snack of yogurt and rice cake minis to dip in the yogurt. I ate like 20 rice cakes, not all fast or bingey, but I wanted to get up and eat ice cream and peanut butter and chocolate, why? Because it tastes good and I wanted something to make me feel good. Wow. Emotional binge eating right there. I didn't do it though, I put my kids to bed, ate the one brownie leftover from my birthday I'd been planning all day to eat and am going to bed.
  • Thelxinoe
    Thelxinoe Posts: 32
    I feel a little ambivalent, to be honest... I started out with a lot of resolve, but the cravings have won a few times lately. I don't think I let myself go as much I had in the past, but I still feel somewhat disappointed with myself. I will try harder. It's good to half this halfway point to reflect on your progress.
  • I feel good about how well I've been able to bounce back from my indulgences. I used I get so upset about eating anything "bad" that I would spiral into a full on binge. I now allow myself the freedom to have some of these things sometimes and get right back on track when I do. Seeing that one brownie or one ice cream cone will not make me fat overnight has really allowed me to loosen up the reins on my lifestyle/diet. It feels amazing and I feel like I am not neglecting myself anymore. It also feels good to not have to worry about binges since I haven't had one 25 days straight! I have had urges to but have been able to wait them out and allow them to pass. Woohoo! :D