
Just a little introduction as to why I've opened a new group.

Our lucky friends across the pond have a few groups to share their experiences but there didn't seem to be anything specifically for bandsters in the UK, so it's just something for us to throw chat about relating to the journey started in the UK.

I was banded 14/10/12 and to date have lost 84lbs, please feel free to ask me anything!

Look forward to hearing all about your individual experiences! :-)


  • kittkat1979
    hi i kat had my band fitted june 09 would like to join your group dont know anyone in the uk with a band andwould love to be able to chat with peeps going though the uk side

    ok had my band fitted june09 then feel preggers (unplanned told couldnt have kids) july 3 weeks after op lost weight during this time and had a son jan10 after 6 months had a fill of 3cc and went from a size 28/30 to a size 16/18 and from 19st to 14st over the next 2 years then in may 2012 my plans and hard work came to a end when i feel preggers again this time i lost the baby since then i have not been refilled and started bindging again so today i start again draw a line and pick myself up im 15st 9 i have set a date to have my fill put back in and no more binging for me so heard about this site and here i am

    thats a little about me hope u dont mind i alone and could do with surport xx

  • dinocomic

    Had my band fitted about 6 years ago, was doing really well, lost 11st, then it broke. I went into hospital and had the band replaced, but after many unsuccessful fills started to gain weight. After another year i started suffering with acid reflux and was again taken into hospital where they unclipped and repositioned the band, i have now just had my first fill after that, had to go and have that amended because it was overfilled making it difficult for me to drink water let alone eat. Any way now thats been fixed i am ready to carry on dieting, i cant eat much at the moment so hoping i will have a good few weeks of weight loss before the boredom sets in.

    I have my sisters wedding in july and hope to have lost 2 stone by then, I am currently 14st 7.

    Any motivation would be appreciated.
  • larling85
    larling85 Posts: 3 Member
    Well done to you both, such different journeys!

    If you know anymore UK banders please invite.

    Its nice tohave a UK perspective on things.
