Tall Ladies! I need suggestions!



  • tracywaz
    tracywaz Posts: 53 Member
    Some of these are sad, but true. I am loving the funny posts because I can relate.

    Let's see:
    1. "Wow, how tall are you?"
    "No way. You're at least 6 foot two."

    2. Exercise bands seem to be made for shorter people! I can't progress as high because I have the pull the bands up so much further.

    3. Pretty much any aerobic activity whatsoever sucks. I can't move as fast as the instructor because I have a longer distance to go. I start out fine, but tucker out quickly!

    4. I have a 5 year old daughter who is already taller than her classmates and I have a feeling she'll be taller than me. My husband is 6'6" and she's totally built like him (big frame). I'm dreading the tween and teen years for her. No matter how many people tell you that height is an asset, a teenage girl will always see herself towering over her friends and the boys. I will never, ever forget when I was a teen and over heard some male friends of mine say, "Tracy would be so hot if she were shorter." Crap like that burns to this day.
    Although I'm sure my little girl is destined for short counter tops, clothes that don't fit and the basketball comments (she already gets those), I'm doing my best to instill confidence at an early age. I always tell her to be proud of her height. She's unique and that's good. She will always stand out in a crowd in a good way. Tall people make more money (tee hee!). Etc.. She was also blessed with beauty, so she's definitely going to stand out! I'm just grateful that long length is a lot more available than it was when I was a teen-- I had to wear men's jeans!

    5. I hate seeing something gorgeous- namely dresses for events-- in a store that I know would suit my body, only to try it on and have the waist under my armpits or the hemline at my crotchal region. Which leads me to....

    6. Ordering clothes in tall sizes, getting them and finding out they don't flatter, look good or are nothing like the picture on the website/catalog. I return so much!

    You all covered everything else! Thanks for the commiseration!
  • happydispatcher
    happydispatcher Posts: 56 Member
    I love all of the comments! I agree and really can't add anything except that I have been called sir on a few occasions. I step in line at a store and the clerk doesn't look up before starting to say how are you today so automatically because of my height they say sir. They then look up and apologize, by then it's too late...ya know?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member

    I have a different take on the dating thing because I never cared if I was taller than the guy. I married a man who is 5'8 and both of us could care less about the difference and the stares we get. I think a man has to be very confident to be with a woman who is more than an inch or two taller!

    I agree with this^^. My hubby is two inches shorter than me. He could care less, I could care less. Platform heels, whatever...
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I agree with all of the above. Try finding plus size pants in a tall. UUGGHH! My other pet peeve is big feet. It's hard to find fashionable shoes at a decent price in a size 12.

    Oh, yeah. The feet. Always been my biggest issue. Size 11, since 5th grade (when I was a foot shorter. People used to ask my parents if they bought my shoes too big on purpose.)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Feeling like a giant next to my petite friends, they hate it and so do I!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member

    I have a different take on the dating thing because I never cared if I was taller than the guy. I married a man who is 5'8 and both of us could care less about the difference and the stares we get. I think a man has to be very confident to be with a woman who is more than an inch or two taller!

    I agree with this^^. My hubby is two inches shorter than me. He could care less, I could care less. Platform heels, whatever...

    Mine is an inch shorter than me, obviously more of a difference when I'm in heels. Not many people have said anything, but we do get stares.

    The ones that have made comments....do they think we didn't know I'm taller??! :noway:
  • I agree with a lot of what's being said here. Nice to hear it all! I have a couple to add, I think. I've had men lie to me and tell me they were 6 feet even though they were shorter than I am. Dude, you're 5'9" and I'm 5'10", how am I going to believe you're six feet?

    I'm long wasted, so I don't have as much of an issue with pant or skirt lengths, but when I try on a dress, often the waste is floating around my ribs somewhere. Not flattering!

    And I hear this sometimes. If I mention I'm trying to lose weight, people say "Oh but you're tall." I'm over 200 pounds; I just feel like there's more of me to be fat.
    Don't get me wrong, I love being tall. I wouldn't trade it!
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Cute dresses and skirts that other girls can wear, but make you look like a hootchie.
    No cute shoes in your size.
    Men that are significantly shorter than you trying to flirt with you. (And all the tall men with really short women.)
  • kristy_n0831
    kristy_n0831 Posts: 108 Member
    1.Wearing heels and having people call you an Amazon
    2. Taking pics next to short friends, they look like your children
    3. Seeing a lot of dandruff on top of peoples heads
    4. "You're not fat, you're just really tall!"
    5. Having your hoo-hah showing on every short dress ever made
    6. Short shower heads
    7. Finally having head room in a convertible
    8. Ground is farther away, so the fall hurts more
    9. How the shortest girls find the tallest guys...
    10. You're screwed for hide and seek
    11. "I'd date you if you were shorter"
    12. Are you a model? Or a basketball player? I know I've seen you before
    13. Every single tall sexual innuendo pick up line

  • OutOfBreath
    OutOfBreath Posts: 80 Member
    Oh darn it. I just noticed this was an older bumped thread. Sorry, ladies.

    I have issues with tables/chairs. My dining set is one of the bar height tables, because a regular dining set makes me feel like I'm sitting on the ground.
    I have no control over the height of my office desk, so I basically have to lower my seat to the lowest possible setting to have the desk at a comfortable level for typing. This is ridiculously uncomfortable for my legs, though. I'm so low to the ground and the wall in front of me leaves no room to stretch out. :/

    I also support the heels, skirts/dresses, and bathroom toilet/stall comments.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    Being tall goes with having big hands and feet. As a teenager I used to get asked a lot if I played piano.

    As it was already mentioned, BATHROOM STALLS!
    It is so awkward when you are pulling your pants back up and you make eye contact with someone who is coming into the bathroom.

    And I also wear a size 12 (double narrow), so I feel you on the no cute shoes. I pretty much live in flip flops and Converse.
  • PokerChris
    PokerChris Posts: 120 Member
    I dream of building my own home someday to have all counters, sinks, appliances, cupboards, and bathroom mirrors at least one foot taller.

    I did this! When we built our house, we had the shower head installed really high and our master and kitchen counters raised a few inches. It's pretty awesome!