
I am 18 weeks and have been in an intense dance fitness class for a couple years now, going 3-5 times a week. The instructor has us do a lot of jumping ( like skipping rope motions) and jumping squats and things like that. My body is used to it by now, and I haven't felt any pain or dizziness, but everything I've read says that jumping is bad during pregnancy.

Did anyone here jump or run until pretty far into their pregnancy with no issue? I'd rather jump because it's more fun and a better workout, but the biggest issue obviously is the health of my baby--I don't want to do anything harmful!


  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    In my opinion and from what I've been told, jumping is dangerous for your baby because of the impact....and it also puts you at risk for falling later on. I was doing insanity and a little P90x when I found out I was pregnant so I had to stop....

    It may seem like there's not much of a difference between jumping and jogging, but jogging is a lot less impact. With my doctor's ok I did jog up through 32 weeks but have stopped this week because the baby has dropped and I'm effacing already.

    Also, jogging means at a comfortable pace where I could still talk....my doctor said, whatever you did before, take it a notch down...so since I ran before, I just jogged at a slower pace.

    Maybe there is another dance class you can do that is lower impact? I know a lot of people do zumba.

    Ask your doctor about your specific exercise routines though!
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 29 weeks and attend a zumba class 3 times a week. There's a TON of jumping in our routines. No one ever told me not to jump so I've always done what I'm able to. I figured people run their whole pregnancies so it didn't seem much different to me. My midwife has been fine with me doing Zumba as long as I'm listening to my body. Starting around 21 weeks I was getting painful braxton Hicks from the jumping and horrible round ligament pain that made me have to take breaks for a few songs at a time. Now at nearly 30 weeks I jump when I feel like it, but most times I just find a lower impact move to replace it for those few dance steps because it causes so much pain in my ligaments. My Zumba instructor had a baby last summer and she kept coming the whole time, adjusting moves when she felt she needed to. Her baby is a perfectly healthy girl. :)

    So I say (with the go ahead of your Dr/midwife) to keep doing what your doing if it feels comfortable but be sure to listen to your body.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My OB's instructions say not to do any jumping. Light jogging is fine so long as you've been doing it prior to pregnancy and so long as it is not uncomfortable. Otherwise, she says, stick to walking.

    I would think the jump rope moves aren't that jarring, but jumping squats sounds like they might be jarring. Considering horseback riding is off-limits per my OB, I used to ride English and think that sounds less jarring than jumping squats.

    I think part of the issue is doing stuff that might be too jarring for the baby and/or cause the placenta to detach, either partially or entirely.

    Otherwise, round ligament pain would be your major issue, along with difficulty keeping your balance as you progress further and your center of balance shifts forward.

    Frankly, I'd ask your OB/midwife. Even if it is a while until your next appointment, I'd say that warrants leaving a message and getting a call back at their convenience.

    ETA that the ban on horseback riding may have more to do with being thrown, which could obviously be really bad, than with bouncing. Since I don't ride anymore, I didn't ask.
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    Yeah there is a difference between jumping squats, which are a type of plyometric jumping, and light cardio jumping. I've done zumba before and it is not plyometrics....Jumping squats and other plyometrics moves are what I did in insanity and they cause you to use the force of your entire body weight (which is why they are so great at getting you in shape).
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for your responses.

    I am aware that jumping squats are not traditionally part of Zumba, but my instructor incorporates them into some of her Zumba and hiphop routines. And yes, they are intense and I'm in good shape because of them and because of the quick pace of her classes.

    My plan is to lay off on the jumping squats now and do light jumping until it's no longer comfortable--probably a couple more weeks. I, too, do not see any difference between light jogging on pavement and light jumping on a dance floor made to absorb shock.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm impressed that you have that much energy! Good for you! I had none in the first trimester, then at about 13 weeks I had more energy and increased my activity only to have (harmless) bleeding due to a friable cervix. Once that resolved, I had round ligament pain, plus I yanked some other tendon or ligament near my groin that would act up every time I tried to get back into walking. Now at 32 weeks if I do anything more than regular walking around (like running errands), I get exhausted! I guess my body is telling me to chill before the big show.

    Point being, kudos to you for keeping up your activity and for feeling good enough to push so hard!