When did you start?

hdleverette Posts: 3 Member
I am a first time mom to a 6 week old. I was wondering how soon you started actually attempting to lose weight? We are exclusively breastfeeding, and I am terrified of damaging my supply by cutting calories too soon- I also have been having problems with feeling sick/weak if I forget to eat enough (which is getting better as I remember I need to pack snacks, etc). The initial weight loss went super quick, and I am actually back at my pre-pregnancy weight. I have another twenty lbs to go until my (first) goal. That being said I am totally okay with being patient and just trying to establish good habit like tracking daily, getting enough water, and getting out at least a few times a week for a walk.


  • J3nnyV
    J3nnyV Posts: 114 Member
    Congratulations on your new baby!

    I joined MFP when my baby was 8 weeks old. I set my goal to lose .5 a week, plus I add back 500 cals a day because i am exclusively breastfeeding. This means I eat approx 2200 cals per day plus exercise cals.

    I have lost 15 lbs since joining 75 days ago, 13 of which are below my pre pregnancy weight. I'm finding my supply to be strong still, but I definitely pay close attention. I'm eating over 100-125 grams of protein per day.

    It sounds like so many calories, I know, but eating more to weigh less is really working for me. I think you'll find there are many other moms who are having the same success.

    Feel free to add me and welcome!
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    Congratulations on your little one! I normally don't put a whole lot of effort into losing weight till around 6 months. I probably should do it earlier, but I am usually too exhausted to even think about it till then. I too get that sick, weak feeling from hypoglycemia (too low of blood sugar) when I don't eat enough. How very nice that you are already at your pre- pregnancy weight. It takes me a long time to get there. I am currently at a lower weight than when my husband and I got married. My youngest are almost 14 months old and still nursing strong. I started using MFP when they were about 7 months old. MFP has quite a few options for breastfeeding that you can add into your food log or as exercise so you can get enough calories for you and baby. LLLI recommends not going below 1800 while nursing. That number is a bare minimum. With most of my babies just eating right and exercising ( mainly walking) has gotten the weight off for me. Best wishes on your weight loss and your new little one.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I ate pretty healthy during my pregnancy and began to eat even more clean the day we got home from the hospital. I started doing light cardio as soon as I was cleared at my 6 wk check up. Around 12 weeks I started going full out.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Congrats on the little one!

    I waited until my 6 week checkup and after that I got back to the gym. I took it pretty easy at first and gradually upped the intensity of the activity I did. It was pretty slow-going at first.

    I've kept my calories pretty high (TDEE - 10%) because I want to keep a good milk supply and I want myself and the baby to be getting lots of nutrients.

    I'm having success with losing weight because I'm eating a pretty clean diet, and I really do get a lot of exercise in. I would rather exercise more than eat less. The whole low calorie thing doesn't interest me for the same reasons it doesn't appeal to you - I'm not going to mess with the little guy's food supply.

    High five for getting back to your pre-preg weight! Keep up the great work :)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Congrats on your LO!!

    I agree with what others have said, I ate 1800 while i was breastfeeding but due to so many issues i had to stop (my son was 5 weeks) and that's when I started back up easing into it (that's when I got cleared). by the time he was 2 months I was in full force and losing weight again. :)
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Congrats on your little one! I actually waited until my baby was almost 10 weeks before I started workout. Like with my first, I had a supply issue so I wanted to be sure breastfeeding was all good and that I had a nice back up supply. Like others, I'm making sure to eat at least 1800 - 2000 calories a day and have still managed to lose weight. Good luck, mama!
  • Congrats on the little one!
    I breast fed for the first 6 months and really started my weight loss program when my daughter was 6 months. My daughter was 10 days old when I was back to pre-pregnancy weight, so I didn't want to cut back any since I was breastfeeding and already losing weight pretty quickly. Once I stopped breastfeeding, the weight loss slowed tremendously. Around the time I stopped was when I got back to the gym and started watching my food intake more. I am happy to report I am now 14 lbs below pre-pregnancy weight and would love to keep going! This took me about 9 weeks to do, but all I did was add exercise and watch calorie intake. Hope this helps! :happy:
  • Whoops...don't know why this posted twice, haha
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I started logging right away and started light walks around 2 weeks. Now I'm doing all kinds of exercises like before. I was really uncomfortable at my weight so I started trying to lose right away I guess.
    I try to net 1350 and sometimes I'm lower and sometimes higher. My supply has been fine, no problems there. Good luck!