Back into it

AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
I'm back into losing pregnancy weight for the second time after the recent birth of baby #3 since joining this group in Dec 2011.

Anyone else doing this a second time around?


  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Yep! Joined in August 2010 after my first was 9 mos... now looking to lose the last 10lbs of baby weight from #2... who is 9 mos now!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Yep, I am 13 wks PP with my 2nd full term pregnancy. I am a few lbs lower than my PP weight. But, I'm still in the 190s so I obviously have a lot more to lose.
  • DiannaDC
    DiannaDC Posts: 48 Member
    Had #2 in Sept 2012 but didn't get serious until Jan of this year when I noticed my weight was creeping up ( I had lost all my baby weight shortly after she was born). Been doing this seriously since Jan and have lost a little. I weigh in tomorrow to see if I hopefully break the 20lb mark!
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    So glad to see I'm not alone! It's a little frustrating having to start the whole process again but at least I managed the weight gain better this time around.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    So glad to see I'm not alone! It's a little frustrating having to start the whole process again but at least I managed the weight gain better this time around.

    I know what you mean. I really want to have a 3rd but I hate the thought of having to lose weight all over again. LOL. I told my hubby I need a 2 year break to get myself into great shape. I started out obese with both of my pregnancies and I would really like to get in the healthy range before going for the 3rd one...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Started out overweight with my first and gained about 65 lbs, baby born January 2011. Joined MFP on 3/31/11 at 235.8 and got down to 153.8 in a year (I'm 5'7"). Got pregnant again in late August/early September 2012, due 5/26/13. Hanging around here in preparation for baby #2. Did 1200 cals last time with little to no eating back exercise calories, plus I did a lot of running and Spinning (no weights, etc). I did Tabata once a week, though.

    This pregnancy, I've gained more than I'd have liked to but am ready to get this weight off once I am cleared at (presumably) 6 weeks postpartum! I am doing the Roadmap this time around and plan to include weight training.

    I definitely had a hard time getting my mind in the right place to get pregnant a second time after working so hard after my first, but I am excited to do it again and (hopefully) even better than last time. This is intended to be my last pregnancy, too, so there's that :)
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    My first pregnancy was the one that 'made' me overweight and I've been struggling to get the weight off since. Each pregnancy I've managed to lose weight beforehand and put it back on again so that I end up around the same weight post-pregnancy. The good news is that it has been less weight put on each time (1st was 30 kg, 2nd 15 kg and this time 9.6 kg) but the struggle to lose it gets harder each time except for this pregnancy apparently. I've already lost 7.9 kg just from breastfeeding and it's only been a week and a half.

    I'm a little concerned by how fast it's coming off this time to be honest. I've not exactly started eating 'healthy' yet and had far too many choccy eggs from Easter already but it's still coming off fast.

    For those not used to working in kg there is approx 400g to a pound and approx 2.5 lb in 1 kg. I have my ticker chart set to just this pregnancy weight at the moment. once I reach that I'll extend it to my next mini goal.