ChaLEAN Extreme - April

maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
Anyone starting this month or just started late March?


  • mdawg99
    mdawg99 Posts: 7
    I just started my Push Phase - doing a Turbo Fire Chalean Extreme hybrid!! I love it and can see the changes already!! Muscles popping every where!!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Oh good! I'm finding ChaLean'ers are hard to come by these days! I'm starting today! Can I add you to my friend list?
  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    I'm Re-Starting TODAY!!!! April 1st.....CAN'T WAIT
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I just finished my very first week of Chalean Extreme and loved it. I've had issues staying motivated when working out at home but these workouts fly by!! I think I need to buy some more weights though so I have a better range. Overall a great program!

    Let me tell you though, I'm sore, very sore! I happy that I get a rest day tomorrow!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I am in week 1 of the Push Phase. I adore these workouts, but feel like I need to add another 30 mins of intense cardio. I get up at 5:45 am and look forward to working out. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • DonnaNCgirl
    DonnaNCgirl Posts: 372
    I'm getting ready to start...tomorrow. I got the dvd set on ebay but think I may be missing parts; i.e., thigh band (?), goal sheets. Anyhoo, I'm gonna check it out a little more tonight. Planning on going to the gym during off hours and bringing my laptop so I can do it with their weights. I want the bowflex set of dumbbells but don't wanna spend $400.
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Ouchie. that is the word of the day.....Ouchie
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm getting ready to start...tomorrow. I got the dvd set on ebay but think I may be missing parts; i.e., thigh band (?), goal sheets. Anyhoo, I'm gonna check it out a little more tonight. Planning on going to the gym during off hours and bringing my laptop so I can do it with their weights. I want the bowflex set of dumbbells but don't wanna spend $400.

    Hi there! Goal sheets can be printed off under the "Get Fit" tab on team beachbody.
  • mdawg99
    mdawg99 Posts: 7
    Thats why you should buy from your friendly neighbourhood Beachbody Coach! Or become one to get the workouts complete AND cheap!! lol I am loving Chalean Extreme!!
  • laurie41565
    laurie41565 Posts: 64 Member
    Anyone starting this month or just started late March?

    I am starting today after work!! Excited since I haven't worked out in a couple weeks due to being sick. I feel like a blob right now. Finished up Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat. Loved those and looking forward to this one now. I am hoping I get some awesome results from this one.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i just did day 1 today and i really liked it. I am just sad that in the book it shows day 2 as a rest day already :( guess i have to wait till friday to get in my 2nd workout...

    are most of you actually using those rest days as "REST" days? or are you just doing something else those 2 days a week?
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    i just did day 1 today and i really liked it. I am just sad that in the book it shows day 2 as a rest day already :( guess i have to wait till friday to get in my 2nd workout...

    are most of you actually using those rest days as "REST" days? or are you just doing something else those 2 days a week?

    Great job on the start!
    I have been truly resting on the off days but I'm only in week 2 :). I think it would be wise for me to add in some cardio those days. I'm not as sore this week and still getting used to getting up at 5am.....
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i wasn't really sore at all, so i guess i will up my weight next time i am doing burn 1, friday will be burn 2, not sure what to expect out of that one, if it is different or not.