Does anyone write letters anymore?!?!? 1/8/13



  • kriskerans
    kriskerans Posts: 92 Member
    Dear self,
    Hope you're on track to your half marathon this year, and you're logging your food every day.
    By this time you should have lost another 10lbs ..
    Have you signed up for another 5k ?
    Have you signed up for a half in Dec ?

    You are amazing, wonderfully made, in the image of the all mighty, with his help you can do anything you put your mind too...
  • I want to try at least one new healthy recipe every week. And I want to do 5 push-ups!
  • aimeeernest
    aimeeernest Posts: 159 Member
    I love this!


    1. When I am stressed and needing comfort, I will come to the boards or talk to a friend rather than the unhealthy comfort of food.
    2. I will make it to the gym 5 days a week for at least 1 hour (2 being the goal)
    3. I will eat fruits and especially veggies every day
    4. I will drink more water
  • adpatrick92
    adpatrick92 Posts: 67 Member
    3 months from now, I want to atleast be down to 173. :) Will continue not to drink pop, Exercise 5 days a week, Eat healthy, and give it hell to reach my goal. My starting weight today 186. If I can't loose as much pds, I would be okay with inches :).
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Re-read your letter!
    Soooo this is an update as we all agreed 3 months later...March 31st has passed. How did you do?
    how would you change goals? What do you want to do the same or differently!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I am replying so that it is easier for everyone to find their goals from 3 months ago. I am pleased to find that i actually conquered my goal. woo hoo!
  • nejaustin
    nejaustin Posts: 76 Member
    My goal for 90 days from now is to

    1. Have completed the 50k race I have planned for March 9
    2. Logged in completely and truthfully food ate at least 90% of the days
    3. Lost 7 pounds

    1. COMPLETED my 50k - very hard, but fun.
    2. Yep - I am up to 99 days!
    3. No, but did loose a couple and with all the extra training I did and the 50k (read - I was really hungry), I was happy with that.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Moved to 4/2/13 Post: Does anyone write letters anymore? :happy:
  • kriskerans
    kriskerans Posts: 92 Member
    Dear self,
    Hope you're on track to your half marathon this year, and you're logging your food every day.
    By this time you should have lost another 10lbs ..
    Have you signed up for another 5k ?
    Have you signed up for a half in Dec ?

    You are amazing, wonderfully made, in the image of the all mighty, with his help you can do anything you put your mind too...

    I have log my food for over 190 days
    I lost 11 lbs
    I have did another 5k in March, makes it my 3rd
    I have a 5k walk for March of Dime's end of April, and a 4mile run on low tide in Long Beach in May
    I have'nt signed up for a half yet, working up to a 10k :heart: