working out while pregnant

Hi Ladies,
I just found out I was pregnant this past Thursday after over 18 months of TTC. (Yay) I want to continue my work out routine though I am a little scared becuase I do have PCOS and I know I am high risk for miscarriage. Do you think it would be fine if I countinued to work out or should I wait until my apt when I can talk to my dr. I wont be able to go in to see her until the 16th. I think I am about 5 weeks along (approx).


  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm normally an advocate for working out while pregnant, however I know nothing about PCOS and its risk with miscarriage. So I would think talking to a doctor would be best? Also, you say continue your work out routine, but I have no idea what that currently is. If it's an intense workout routine, I may take it down a notch and not push yourself too much. But overall low-impact exercise is healthy and generally recommended throughout your pregnancy.

    And congratulations!
  • Stevie00018
    Stevie00018 Posts: 132 Member
    I love running so of course I waited to ask my midwife if I could continue my 3mile runs while pregnant. She advised that I can keep doing my workout as long as I've been doing it. The only thing I shouldn't do is exercises that I haven't done. Like, if you've never strength trained don't wait until you're pregnant to start so. However, when I was about 9 weeks I constantly felt cramping during my runs and so I stopped.

    My advice, wait to ask your doctor. If you doc gives you the green light, then continue to workout WITH CAUTION. Listen to your body. If at anytime you're in pain, cramping or uncomfortable -STOP. And remember to stay hydrated. Lots & lots of water. Dehydration can lead to miscarriage.

    I now stick to lots of stretching and long brisk walks with a healthy diet. When my baby comes then I'll get back to exercise.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I have PCOS too and I got really dehydrated from morning sickness. I was still trying to jog and run and do weights--at 13 weeks I overdid it and had to go to the ER because I was bleeding. Anyway, everything got back to normal, I just I had to do a lot lower impact and wait to jog until I could be better hydrated. Take it easy and best of luck!
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    I am all for exercise during pregnancy, however if you are worried then take it easy and walk instead. NOTHING is worth putting that perfect little baby at risk. So... if you don't do the exact workout that you want for the next 9 months that won't be the end of the world!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Definitely talk to your doctor/midwife, but FWIW I have severe PCOS and was never told not to work out while pregnant - for this pregnancy my doctors said to keep doing what I've been doing as long as I feel up to it, so I'm running my second half marathon while pregnant this weekend at 14 weeks. You may have specific risk factors that make your risk different than mine, so talk to your doctor before you go by what a non-medical forum says :)
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    I don't know anything about PCOS either, but more often than not, the rule is if you did the exercise before you got pregnant, then you can continue during pregnancy, with the exception of super heavy lifting, doing exercises on your back after a couple of weeks, and stuff like jumping jacks. I'm now going on 6 months and I still run and I do Jillian's ripped in 30, I just modify some of the exercises like the stomach ones, I do standing crunches and the push ups, I'll do push ups against the wall. For most cardio I'll just jog on the spot.

    If you are unsure, wait it out, but try and walk at least every day, its always better to keep active now, rather than stop completely and then start again once you get the all clear. Good luck with your pregnancy!
  • crystalirene12
    crystalirene12 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone! I do a few Jillian Michaels DVD and I also take Zumba and do a Total Conditioning (strenght) Class once a week. I think if I just listen to my body I will be ok. I just want to stay as active as I can as I know weight gain can become out of control if I dont work out.

    Thanks again!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Thanks everyone! I do a few Jillian Michaels DVD and I also take Zumba and do a Total Conditioning (strenght) Class once a week. I think if I just listen to my body I will be ok. I just want to stay as active as I can as I know weight gain can become out of control if I dont work out.

    Thanks again!

    Sounds great! Just keep in mind that you may lose energy very quickly. (If you don't, then go with it!) It is very common even in early pregnancy to get very tired, or even just easily winded, without exerting that much effort. As you said, just listen to your body. I'm sure you'll do great! Congratulations and best wishes!