Day 11:

So we have 11 Days under our belt. What have you noticed has been the biggest change?

I have to say, for me, it has been quite refreshing to be able to say NO to these desires that I have let rule my life. It has been beautiful to draw near to Jesus and see how he is giving me strength. I am also pretty stoked to have lost 5 pounds in 11 days:)


  • musch3
    musch3 Posts: 1
    I'm being intentional and not wasting time. A theme in my life over the past two weeks has been "purpose." It's been in books, conversations, and teachings. I don't just want to go with the flow and do things that are acceptable for the typical middle class American Christian. Two things I need in my life in order to be intentional are: obedience and discipline. I am working on the discipline from a physical standpoint and obedience from a spiritual standpoint and right now that's a rather dynamic combination. I also am going to be much more intentional about the things that come out of my mouth. Joyce Meyer had a little talk with me about that today :)
  • Congratulations on the 5 pound of loss Bridget! For me I am loving the grace of God that comes through obedience! I am reading a book about boundaries with kids and it tells us that boundaries with kids work when they see parents that have healthy boundaries. I realize that I want to be a good example of boundaries for my kids not just in food, but on the computer, or the t.v., with how I eat and spend or save money. There is a big picture that I want! I know that a river is beautiful and functional because it's banks create boundaries.
    On a side note.....I love that you can save build and save recipes on here so you know exactly what your eating. So helpful!!
  • senoraignas
    senoraignas Posts: 4 Member
    Right now, I am slowly starting to notice a change in my body-nothing big though. If I keep up with my cardio as in try to do intense cardio exercises more so than the weight training I have been doing, then I can expect results. I still struggle with back tracking a few times a week but I'm doing better with getting back on track. I hate the way I gain weight very easily but that's ok. So, for me, even though I haven't noticed extreme changes in my physical appearance, I am thankful that God has held on to me and I still push through, even if it's just in the smallest decisions.
  • senoraignas
    senoraignas Posts: 4 Member
    Sarahdanielle: Thank you for your post above. Boy, do I need boundaries in my life. This really convicted me about my tv and computer time. If I am always on the tv or computer, why shouldn't my kids feel that they can do the same? Wow. It's true about setting an example for them. Very powerful. Thank you!
  • The biggest change for me has been my awareness, being conscious of the choices I am making. Should I spend time with God or allow myself to get distracted by all the things I have to do to start my day? Do I spend time on the phone or playing with my kids? Do I grab a banana or the delicious donut sitting on the counter? I have noticed that I am consciously making an effort to be present in every area of my life; with God, family, and health. This has been such a blessing! I want to see god move in my life and those around me so I am going to earnestly spend time with Him. I want to see a difference in my weight so I am going to be diligent in eating right and exercise :)
  • I agree that the biggest change is just being aware of everything, and I have realized that putting my spiritual health above all else just filters into every aspect of my life. I have noticed that my mood has been better and I have more patience than ever. I feel like a better parent and wife. I have found myself having more energy and being more "purposeful" in everything I do. I am excited to see what God has in store for us in this journey!