Official Week 1 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon April 1st)



  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I weigh on Thursdays, because no matter what the heck I do on the weekend, even if I'm perfectly in my calorie goal, even if im someway under, I always gain weight on Monday. lol, Mondays hate me.
  • JO4IT
    JO4IT Posts: 79 Member
    Starting weight: 158.4
    Week 1 Weight: 157.8
    Goal Weight for challenge 143 (15 lbs)

  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    March 23: 234
    April 1: 231
  • I didn't loose any this week :( BUT! My pants are looser and My body feels more toned. I am hoping my body is exchanging my fat for muscle and that's why there's no weight loss. I've been working out every day this week so I am not discouraged with this outcome. Going to kick butt this next week and see what happens. Happy Fools day everyone :)

    SW: 170
    CW 170
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    I was hopeless this week! no workout and bad eating = gain!! Hoping to shed a little before I update my Week 1 WI (update on Wed) to atleast match what I started with ;(
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    Breaks are always terrible for my eating and exercise habits. Believe it or not, I thrive when I'm on a normal work schedule. Add to this the weight I normally gain during TOM and this week has been a disaster! Here's hoping to find a balance this week and to be back on track next week when spring break is over!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Starting weight: 197.0
    Week 1 Weight: 201.2
    Goal Weight for challenge 177
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I lost 2.6 pounds last week! A total of 5.6 since I joined this group!!

    Way to go everyone :)
  • You're doing something right, you've lost 43 lbs!! Hang in there. : )
  • SW 168
    GW 146
    Week one 166.5
    I'm happy with that!!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    3/25 - 196
    4/1 - 194.7
  • Ressie1
    Ressie1 Posts: 52 Member
    Proud of Everyone. Too those feeling discouraged, things happen just get back on track. Tomorrow is a new day. Always time to get back into the game. :)
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    Updated the spread sheet, but not on here.. Lol

    SW: 229.6
    GW: 190.0
    Week 1: 230.0

    Hated last week! Haha.
  • ctolber
    ctolber Posts: 15 Member
    I apologize for the lateness. I just found this challenge and it exactly what I've been looking for. Is it too late just let me know.

    Goal Weight for challenge 167
    Starting weight: 182
    Week 1 Weight: 182...Joined Late