Where Do You Get Your Protein?

Holy crap. I am so tired of answering this question. So tonight, my mother tells me she thinks my hair looks bad because I'm not getting enough protein. I showed her my food diary on this site to prove my high protein #s and I still don't think she believes me. She's like, look up how much protein is in an egg. Ew. Geez.. I said black beans and she's like all in denial and I asked her why she can't believe me or just take my word for it and she got all defensive and said it was my problem for being offended. I am not offended exactly, just irritated.
Sorry I needed to vent.
Does anyone else have this problem?


  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    Sadly, no one cares about ANYONE'S protein intake until they hear they are vegan or vegetarian I've noticed. I know many people who eat meat who have terribly deficient diets, who get half the protein I do despite their diet containing eating meat, dairy, and eggs. (How? I'm not sure but I've seen it many times!)

    There are many times I've gotten double the protein that an average person needs. Just last week I was shocked when I saw my protein total at the end of the day was 151g of plant protein. There's no such thing as a protein deficiency UNLESS you're not eating enough calories overall. The average adult only needs 46-71g of protein depending on gender, etc according to WebMD and other sources are close in recommendation. Also note that these "recommended amounts" are given with a safety margin to ensure adequate amounts. On the other extreme, many people also get much, much more than they need.

    That doesn't mean you're lacking.

    Just refer her to the documentary "Forks Over Knives" which is on Netflix or can be downloaded. It explains the various health benefits of plant-based whole foods diets, and also reinforces the fact that we only need about 10-15% protein in our diets which is easily acquired from plant foods. It also breaks the protein myth and other various myths (such as milk being great for your bones, etc).
  • theundead
    theundead Posts: 51 Member
    I hate that question, protein is the most over rated thing ever. We defiantly don't need as much as meat eaters think. Nobody ever asks me where do I get my vitamin A from, always protein!!