Black Girls RUN! Baltimore...

Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
Anyone on here a part of BGR?
I have just found interest in this and will be starting C25K soon. Add me...


  • KokoShe
    KokoShe Posts: 6
    i am not a part of BGR but I have been interested since first hearing about it. I've started running (seriously) this year and to find a group of like minded and similar runners in my area would be a bonus to getting out there.
  • krystal193
    krystal193 Posts: 38 Member
    I have never heard of it but after checking out the website I am totally interested. I have always hated running because I have a badonka-donk that slaps the back of my thighs when I run. But I have recently become addicted to running. I just need to learn how to do it safely. I have a weak ankle. I will def look into this and keep my MFP friends posted...