Viewing your diary

If anyone is interesting in changing the settings on your food diaries so that your friends can see what your eating.......It's a great way for some extra accountability. Plus you can get new ideas for meals and snacks for each other. My cousin has lost almost 60 pounds using this app, so it works! If you are interested in changing that setting then you need to log into your account on a computer. Then go to the tab marked My Home. Then click on Settings. Under the setting option is a list of options. Click on Diary Settings and then scroll to the bottom where it gives you the options to make you diary public, private, or available to your friends.....and chose the option that you are most comfortable with. It's so wonderful to be on this journey in Christ with so many other people that have the same heart and mind. Blessings! Sarah Sterns


  • That is a good idea!
  • Done!
  • I just realized that I can change the layout of my meals! I now have breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack! IN THAT ORDER. lol I was so excited. I hated having to group my snacks together at the end. Why didnt i see this sooner/???? lol
  • I know! I have mine as Snack 1, Snack 2, and Snack 3!