Eating after running

So, in the past, I would just eat normally after a run when I got hungry and never really had any issues. However, Friday afternoon I ran 5 miles (fairly strenuous for me) and then went to the grocery store and ended up eating dinner (boiled crawfish) about 2 hours later. After I ate, my stomach cramped and hurt pretty much the rest of the night. I couldn't be sure it was from the running, but thought it might be. Then, this morning, I ran 4 miles on the treadmill before eating anything. Felt fine, showered and then ate an omelet and fruit about an hour after finishing the run. Again, same stomach cramps, although they didn't last quite as long thank goodness. Is this just a fluke, or does it have to do with the runs somehow? Like I said, I'm not completely new to running, although I am increasing my distances to train for a 15K in May and have not had this issue before. One thing I did notice was that both meals that gave me cramps were pretty spicy (had a habanero pepper in the omelet), but spicy has never bothered me before. Anyway, just mostly wondering if other runners have had this experience and if so, what you would recommend to eat or stay away from in your post run meal. Thanks!


  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    I have never had that happen... I might post this question on the main fitness board and see if anyone there has any suggestions?
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member
    I get that sometimes. Abdominal cramps after post-run eating. Sometimes I get diarrhea, too. There's probably a scientific explanation, like blood shunt to the legs or something. I eat lightly after a run, yogurt or something easily digested like that, just to start carb replacement. Chocolate milk also doesn't seem to cramp me up and it's a great recovery drink (carbs + protein + fluid.) YMMV :drinker:
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Are you running on a totally empty stomach and then eating?
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I tend to put off eating real meals right after a strenuous run. I don't generally have problems, but if I really push myself (like I did this past Saturday on a 13.1 mile run) I tend to feel nauseous after a run. I usually try to be sure I at least choke down some chocolate almond milk or a banana, but it doesn't always work.