Lets Introduce WHO we are, and leave the diagnoses

imani0627 Posts: 5 Member
I love this group, and what it stands for... but lets all take a second to introduce ourselves without our diagnoses. I know for a long time I have been told I am very mentally ill, I accept this. But I feel I live out my diagnoses sometimes to a greater extend because everyone expects me to do so; it is not a conscious decision, but one recently pointed out to me that I would love to work on more.

So that said...

Name: Lindsay
Age: 25
Reason for wanting to lose weight: I put on 10lbs after a medication change and would like my old body back, and I would also like to incorporate excise into my life 3 times a week.
Something that makes you unique: I am adopted.

Random Fact: I'm a total journaling freak - lol


  • sarcosis1
    sarcosis1 Posts: 42
    Name: Jordan Eleanor Shepherd ...Shep for short.
    Age: 18
    Reason I want to lose weight: To become more confident! After been stuck in the house and on certain meds = major weight gain. Before I joined MFP, I lost 70lbs. I joined to help me keep it going.
    Something that makes me unique? Well, I have dreadlocks.
    Random Fact: I like to wear steel toecap boots.
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    Name: Emily
    Age: 28
    Reason for wanting to lose weight: I'm fat and want to be thin and healthy. I had a disaster happen about 2 years ago and gained 40+lbs. I'm just now fully recovering and taking care of myself.
    Something that makes you unique: I've never thought of anything about me is unique. I lead a fairly plain life, lol.

    Random Fact: I'm a Chicago Cubs fan

    I've been diagnosed with depression, fibromyalgia, and ADHD. I also have social anxiety and OCD tendencies.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Name: Rose
    Age: 35
    Reason for wanting to lose weight: I have two reasons. The first is because I don't like my body the way it looks right now, and I want to lose weight so I can get to a place where I'm happy with it. The second is that obesity runs in my family and if I don't do something to get my weight under control now it will simply get worse.

    My hubby & I bought & moved into our first house this year. I love to garden now! We have 2 cats, 4 computers, and no children (& we like it that way). :)
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi everyone
    My name is charlie-elizabeth
    I am 22 (23 on june 30th )
    I am due to start a BSC Hons in psychology in September
    I am an only child, with no children of my own
    My start weight is 162 lbs (11st 8) and i am looking to get down to 131 lbs (9st 5) which is how much i weigh in my profile picture.
    I want to get down to this weight as i felt happy and confident within myself, which also reduced my purging behaviours alot.
    I felt like i was at my optimum that ive been. Clothes fitted nicely and i could buy clothes in any shop (UK size 10) now at a UK size 14 i am unable to buy the clothes i want for my age -hipster jeans, mini skirts etc...which hurts as i am into fashion. Alot of the shops where i live also stop at a size 14 so i dont want to get to a point where i cant even go into the shop.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Hey Group!

    I'm Rachael. I just turned 31.
    I have two cats, no kids. I love painting, coffee and stories. I'm always on an audio book or when I have the time a real book in bed.
    Why I want to lose weight: I'm a girl and I want to be fit. I've been fat my whole life. Since I was 9 at least. I'm finally to a healthy weight and I can see I've got a nice shape and there's a chance I could be one of those girls that doesn't have a belly and fat thighs.
    It's a nice thought considering where I came from.
    I'm with Charile in that I like being able to buy clothes in regular shops.

    Random fact: I'm also super into astrology. Is that guy right for you? Read his chart. You'll be AMAZED! lol
    Co-worker you don't know how to deal with? Read their chart!
    I've read the charts of every guy I've dated and they are always right. Current bf is a keeper ;)
  • anninva
    anninva Posts: 9 Member
    GREAT idea!

    I'm Ann. I'm 53, live with my partner of 32years (her name is Ann also -- there's no joke I HAVEN'T heard LOL!) We have 2cats no kids. I live in the Washington,DC area and have since college/university grad in1981.

    I had WLS 2years ago (1/10/11) and am having a hard time maintaining my loss. I SUCK at tracking, so hoping MFP will help me start again.

    Fun fact about me? I secretly LOVE soap operas!
  • Hey im samanta 18 im currently in love with my boyfriend but i have dated girls in the past too :3 im a very artistic person i love to draw and dance and i love to bake sweet things too :)

    SELF INJURY developed age 12
    EDNOS developed age 12 (with more anorexic tendencies)
    ANXIETY/PANIC DISORDER diagnosed at age13 but dealing with since really young
    BORDERLINE P.D. diagnosed at age 15 dealing with it since early teens

    been in rehab several times, mostly after crisis or suicide attempts.
    currently not taking my medication for money problems.
    but have to take antidepressants, antianxiety, antipsychotics, and antiepileptics
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Hey im samanta 18 im currently in love with my boyfriend but i have dated girls in the past too :3 im a very artistic person i love to draw and dance and i love to bake sweet things too :)

    SELF INJURY developed age 12
    EDNOS developed age 12 (with more anorexic tendencies)
    ANXIETY/PANIC DISORDER diagnosed at age13 but dealing with since really young
    BORDERLINE P.D. diagnosed at age 15 dealing with it since early teens

    been in rehab several times, mostly after crisis or suicide attempts.
    currently not taking my medication for money problems.
    but have to take antidepressants, antianxiety, antipsychotics, and antiepileptics

    Sounds like we have alot in common MH wise. Its rough that ,money is standing in the way of your medical needs, i hope that gets resolved soon. Ive been on all the types of tablets youre on plus mood stabilizers...do you get any therapy or councelling?
  • Name : Rob Wilkens
    Age: 38
    Location: Long Island, NY
    Reason I want to lose weight: Before diagnosis, i was much healthier physically. I wasn't an athlete, but i weighed around 160 at age 21-23. Trying to fight the weight gain that i've gotten "because of meds" i'm always told-- but i know that's not the only thing causing me not to lose weight because i got on an exercise kick from 2008-2009 and was 50 pounds lighter than i am now (about 170-175, i'm now 225-230).

    My dad had a heart attack in February -- he's fine now, but it inspired me to take a closer look at weight loss even after i lost 10 pounds since january 1st (which of course, was after a 5-10 pound gain from christmas week food). However, in the last 3 days i've started using RunKeeper and RunDouble C25K apps to track walking and running (and another site which pays you to exercise using these apps, for example, with fitbit it will pay me 1 penny for every 1,000 steps redeemable in $25 increments as a gift card, the site is called AchieveMint i think). Prior to then for a few weeks i wasn't doing any structured exercise... Tho i have a PlaFit membership.

    I've been on here since January 1st or 2nd. I log in food somewhat regularly. I have about 3-5 "Friends" on here i don't know but enjoy the online company of.
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Location:Western Massachusetts
    Hi everyone, here to lose the weight once and for all. I have about 45-50lbs to lose and so far it has been slow going. Hoping that my increase in exercise will help to speed things up. I am married and have been with my husband for almost 7 years now, no kids (and keeping it that way) no pets(want a kitty someday)
    I love to read, write, listen to music and do crafts and home projects

    Random fact: I collect salt & pepper shakers.
  • Hi

    I'm Collyermum and live in the UK. I have 4 children including a son with Asperger's and twins.

    I love to play musical instruments (I have studied/am studying 5 different ones) I love Birman cats and have a Birman kitten at the moment, hence the profile pic, and I also like to play computer games when I have the time (Diablo 3 is my favourite at the moment).

    I want to lose weight after 4 babies including the twins last time! And because I just put on an additional half a stone after changing meds after Christmas :-(

    I only want to lose 14lbs or so, but I also want to get fitter and see if it will help reduce my chronic migraines. I am also hoping that the migraines won't sabotage my efforts too much!
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    Name: Ann-Marie

    Age: 35

    Reason for wanting to lose weight: Other than the obvious (I'm 5'2" weighing in at 190 lbs), I want to lose weight so I can do all the yoga poses that I am learning. And so my daughter can quit saying "Mommy you got a fat butt" (kids say the darndest things).

    Something that makes you unique: I have a twin brother. Whom I lost almost four years ago to tragedy. In fact, I've lost both my parents and my nephew (to suicide) as well, all in a 5 year span. I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression/anxiety. I took medication for 3 years and I am off all medication. I am unique in that I am still standing, still going strong and finding other ways to not medicate myself. I am a survivor!

    Random Fact: I am an avid Ebay seller/buyer.
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    Name: Sarah but my pen name is Davs
    Age: 30
    Reason for wanting to lose weight: I want to keep up with my boys (4 & 10) My youngest has autism. And I love fashion but can't fit into any of the clothes I used to wear or wish I could buy. Also i just want to feel healthy and strong again.
    Something that makes you unique: I'm an abstract artist

    Random Fact: I am an audiobook addict
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Its so nice to get to know you all and i hope this is the start of some really supportive friendships.
    Welcome to the group everyone!!
  • Name: Mindy
    Age: 28 (will be 29 on June 16th)
    Reason for wanting to lose weight: I want to get back to my pre baby weight, I am on meds so I am having a hard time getting there.
    Something that makes you unique: I am a twin and a gimini...

    Random Fact: I'm very short - lol
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Name: Tricia
    Age: 38
    Reason for wanting to lose weight: I want to be healthy. Tired of being "the big girl"
    Something that makes you unique: I love writing poetry

    Random Fact: I am currently a student in grad school attempting to get a masters degree in Mental Health counseling. I would love to be a support to you if I can. And hopefully I can learn from you guys what my books don't teach.
  • Hi everyone,

    My names Gillian, I'm 41 and live in Sydney, Australia. I live with my two gorgeous Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I'm here trying to lose the weight I put on during my years of depression. I was at 90kg (198lbs) and have now got down to a healthy 71kgs (156lbs). I'm now at the chunky end of normal, but it's my aim to get to a BMI of 21, so another 10kgs to lose (goal weight 61kgs, or 134lbs). I've been working really hard in the gym and watching what I eat, but have also just finished weaning myself off my meds which I think has helped. BTW, I'm not advocating coming off meds to lose weight! This was under my doctors guidance.

    I'd love more MFP friends if anyone is looking to share support and motivation.

  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My names Gillian, I'm 41 and live in Sydney, Australia. I live with my two gorgeous Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I'm here trying to lose the weight I put on during my years of depression. I was at 90kg (198lbs) and have now got down to a healthy 71kgs (156lbs). I'm now at the chunky end of normal, but it's my aim to get to a BMI of 21, so another 10kgs to lose (goal weight 61kgs, or 134lbs). I've been working really hard in the gym and watching what I eat, but have also just finished weaning myself off my meds which I think has helped. BTW, I'm not advocating coming off meds to lose weight! This was under my doctors guidance.

    I'd love more MFP friends if anyone is looking to share support and motivation.


    Hi Gillian,i used to have a King Charles cavalier...his name was Sammy :) Would love to see a pic of your pair...ok that sounded wrong..i would love to see a pic of your dogs. And I will send you a friends request. welcome.
  • Hey everyone! I'm Roxanna. I'm in my final year of high school, and I'll be attending uni at Johns Hopkins in the fall.

    I've been trying to lose weight just to feel comfortable in my own skin.

    Something that makes me unique...hmmm. I'm a half Korean, half English/Irish/Norwegian, mandolin playing atheist. :3
  • Name: Crystal
    Age: 25
    Location: New York City

    Reason for wanting to lose weight: To put myself in a more healthy position, physically in order to perhaps gain a better stance mentally. I am currently on rather heavy medication and I am very much tired of it. I have had Electroshock therapy done when I was 21, helped for awhile but in the end didn't stick for me.

    I struggle with eating disorders but I'm not very much comfortable giving my other diagnoses, but they all stem from my upbringing under a physically and sexually abusive parent.
    I'm glad to find a mental health group here.

    Random Fact about me: I'm an avid Doctor Who fan. I adore anything and everything art and also my horror and foreign horror movie collection is quite extensive. Video game and anime nerd.

    I don't know what makes me unique other than the way I think. No one thinks or processes things the EXACT same way. I can spend a whole day thinking about what I'm thinking about and add a color, smell, feel and noise to it...if that makes sense. I study forensic pathology and embalming techniques as well.

    Nice to meet everyone.