Pregnant and Losing Weight

spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
HI Everyone!

My name is Anna and I'm new to this group. I have just found out I am about 7 weeks pregnant and am very excited as it's our first bubba.
Since I found out I'm pregnant a few weeks ago, I have dropped 5kg, and have been told by my OB that it's safe for me to continue losing throughout the whole pregnancy, as long as the baby keeps growing. It was such a relief to be told this, as I was picturing myself gaining about 20kg over the 9 months and cringing at the thought!
I have been exercising for an hour a day when I can and limiting my calories to just under 1500.

Is anyone else out there in the same boat, or have any advice for losing weight and still having a safe and healthy pregnancy?


  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    I too was told by my OB with my last pregnancy that it was okay to lose while pregnant as long as I was getting good nutrition.
    Plenty of people will have different opinions, but if it's something that you've discussed with your OB then I'm all for it :)

    I'm 12 weeks pregnant now and happily maintaining still :)

  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    I have not talked to my doctor about losing weight, but I have gained way too much! I am 16 wks today and I have already gained 18 lbs! I am so mad! I lost 45 lbs last year, and I just let myself go. I want to lose some weight, but didn't know it was safe. I'd rather gain a little extra and have a healthy pregnancy, but this much weight gain is well beyond that and it is depressing. How do you calculate the amount of calories you should be eating?
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    I was at my goal weight when I got pregnant. I didnt gain a lot in the first few weeks and then all of a sudden the kilo's just started piling on, even though I still eat the same amount of calories and do the same exercise. I'm on maintenance calories at 22 weeks. Your body will change at its own accord, if you are overweight to start with, you will need to gain less and vice versa. In the end, if you are hungry, make sure you eat, its all about having a healthy baby, you can lose the weight again afterwards!

    If your doctor isn't worried, then I see no reason for you to be either!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I have not talked to my doctor about losing weight, but I have gained way too much! I am 16 wks today and I have already gained 18 lbs! I am so mad! I lost 45 lbs last year, and I just let myself go. I want to lose some weight, but didn't know it was safe. I'd rather gain a little extra and have a healthy pregnancy, but this much weight gain is well beyond that and it is depressing. How do you calculate the amount of calories you should be eating?

    I've gained about the same, but just logging, without having a calorie goal, seems to be helping me to get back a little control. Last pregnancy I gained over 30lb overall, but was only 4lb over my pre-pregnancy weight a week after giving birth. I was carrying huge amounts of water weight by the end.

    As neither you nor I started off overweight, I don't think we should go below maintenance, but clearly it would be different if we were overweight.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    Well I'm about 40kg overweight so I defintiely could stand to lose some.
    I also have an added incentive, which is that there is this fantastic hospital that I really want to give birth in, but they don't take anyone with a BMI of 40 or over. Mine is now about 36.
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 16 weeks and haven't gained any weight yet. I'm eating at TDEE minus 20%. My OB is fine with this since I am very overweight. I'm not strict about staying at my calorie number. I'm using it at as guidepost. Some days I eat under and some days I eat over. I'm more focused on logging and making healthy choices.