Fav Recipes/Meals?

I've had a PCOS diagnosis since 2005 (actually tested in 2005 when I was 18, I had symptoms and was being medicated for it since I had a lot of nasty cysts complications at 16) so PCOS isn't necessarily new to me. I didn't always have the best doctors throughout high school and college and it was just this past Wednesday that I finally went to see an Endocrinologist for the first time since PCOS is a hormonal issue and they are the hormone experts (I've had some bad experiences with the obgyns so I haven't gone to chat with one recently.)

Well, I've never been a big fan of sweets. I cut most of the processed crap out of my diet over the last year, but I do use some of the artificial sweeteners in my coffee, tea, cookies, etc. Well when talking to my doctor he of course told me to limit carbs to three servings per meal which really isn't an issue. It averages me to about 135 of carbs a day. The challenge I'm having now is that he banished me from any sweeteners... artificial or real. No sugar, splenda, honey, etc. Plain, unflavored yogurt is great, but I can't have any that's flavored because of what's added. (I will say this is one diet thing I've never really done...)

The challenge I'm having now is more that I want to stick in a decent calorie range, I want to avoid the unhealthy fats and obviously the sweeteners as a whole. I love cooking, but for some reason whenever I get put on a doctor prescribed diet I have a hard time visualizing good recipes. What recipes meals do you guys tend to go with to help you lose weight and keep the lousy carbs under control? I would love any suggestions you can throw at me!


  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    www.skinnytaste.com is a great website with recipe's they have a chicken enchilada soup that I absolutly love! Check it out! I use it lots. I recently liked a page on Facebook called Eat Real foods and there are some recipe's on there I am going to try.
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    I love my cookbooks I got , at a discount, on B&N.com. They are the Low GI vegetarian cookbook and the low GI cookbook for your family. I found that the low GI cooking and diabetic cooking is a great way to watch the carbs. The other cookbook I have and like is Diabetic Living, Quick and easy meals. Good luck
  • Thanks you two! I'll definitely have to check them out! I'm currently working on an epic grocery list to get my shopping done tomorrow.

    Can't wait till the CSA starts up! I need more veggies in the house. LOL!
  • cleonar01
    cleonar01 Posts: 16 Member
    I have the Hungry Girl to the Max cookbook and it has a lot of low carb, glueten free and meatless options that have kept my blood sugar in check and helped me have more energy to get through work/school/etc. Her website also has some recipes. I L-O-V-E the GirlFredo,though the noodles may be a little hard to find.

  • I have the Hungry Girl to the Max cookbook and it has a lot of low carb, glueten free and meatless options that have kept my blood sugar in check and helped me have more energy to get through work/school/etc. Her website also has some recipes. I L-O-V-E the GirlFredo,though the noodles may be a little hard to find.


    Oooh.. I'll have to check that out for sure. I just made an epic grocery list of doom and am going to the store to get some new ingredients. Hoping that since I've planned dinners for the whole week (and will take leftovers for lunch the next day) that I'll be a little happier. LOL.
  • Not sure if you can get the Cooking Channel. Hungry Girl is a cooking show on that channel. Lots of good tips and recipes.