Bailey's Irish Cream

gramanana Posts: 762 Member
I don't drink very often, but yesterday was our wedding anniversary and I indulged in 2 Irish Coffees. Who knew that Bailey's was made with fermented grains--I sure didn't. I was rudely awakened at 4 a.m. this morning with nausea and stomach cramps. I've not been able to hold my head up all day and after emptying my system this morning, I feel like a wet noodle and I'm starving, but I'm afraid to eat too much. I've tried some homemade chicken broth and some Crunchmaster Multiseeded crackers, but I still feel yucky. I took Tums this morning and just a few minutes ago and I'm trying to drink some tea. I don't know what else to eat that would ease the discomfort.


  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    NO! Oh no... :( I didn't know about that one. I'm sad now.
  • KatieSChaisemom
    KatieSChaisemom Posts: 79 Member
    ME TOO. I love baileys been craving it for 3 years now since I have been a mom LOL.
  • shadowdooley
    shadowdooley Posts: 2 Member
    But... but I love Bailey's!

    I wonder if a reasonable substitute could be created on our own. I have no idea what's in it. Um. Cream, probably. And alcohol of some sort.

    That's all I've got.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Baileys contains whiskey which has gluten in it unfortunately. Tia Maria is made from Rum and should be safe.

    Safe drinks include Cider, Rum, Cognac , Brandy and wine. Gluten can be found in Beer, alcopops, lager and vodka ( although traditionally made from potatoes it is often made from grain)