What's Your Motivation?

queenvenus71 Posts: 10 Member
I am absolutely motivated by music. I wake up to music, go to sleep to music. When I workout, I plug in to my MP3 player, put on my fave music and I'm off in my zone. At least that was the beginning stage of my movement motivation. I belong to Gold's Gym and they have this wonderful world called the "Media Room." Everyone should have one of these. It's a cardio movie theater (Bikes, Ellipticals and Treadmills). So one day two weeks ago, I went into the media room to get my walk on. There is something about the darkness, distraction of the movie visual and music in my ears that keeps me going. lol I had my headphones on and my music blaring in my ears, set the treadmill for 30 mins and I was ready to go. Then I looked up and saw Channing Tatum on the screen (I think the movie of the week was The Vow)...I was motivated to keep walking for an hour!!! So needless to say, I spent everyday in the media room being motivated. I am still motivated (by my music) but when I need that extra boost, I can always play a Channing Tatum movie on my phone!


  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    My motivation is the voice in my head that says,'" run fatty, run". he's kind of a **** but effective.
  • My reflection and the thought of shorts and bikinis. LOL
  • peggymoney
    peggymoney Posts: 126 Member
    My motivation is to fit back into my clothes! I can't believe I got to the point where I can't fit into my normal clothes comfortably. Plus I have a bunch of pictures of me at a normal weight and I can't believe I EVER thought I was overweight then!! haha Crazy how 25 lb weight gain will put it all in perspective!
    Music keeps me motivated to move and get off my butt even if it's just to clean or "dance" :)
  • npeery
    npeery Posts: 29 Member
    My favorite singer P!nk is a huge motivation to me. DEM ABS:


    For some reason I'm also very motivated by people not believing in me. I have a real "I'll show you!" attitude.

    I also like to inspire other people in my life. If I can do it anyone can!
  • branditurner13
    branditurner13 Posts: 6 Member
    I am motivated by thoughts of making sure I'm around for my son. I want to be able to chase him, play with him and have fun without feeling too tired and out of breath. I don't want to still be at this weight when he's old enough to say the words "mommy's fat" He is my inspiration.

    I also use Pinterest to find yummy healthy recipes and work outs that motivate me as well.
  • fallbrawl
    fallbrawl Posts: 72
    my motivation for weight loss is:

    1.I want to be able to show all the people that i went to high school with that i can do something.

    2. I am tired of not being considered for a job because of my size

    3. I would like to go to the doctor one time and not have them tell me that i am going to die within ten years if i don't lose the weight.
  • My motivation is the fact that I want to be a mother one day, and I am not comfortable around guys with my current weight. Another motivation is that my family is "predisposed" to be obese, and that is not what I want for myself.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I have several motivators: My health has been strained for too long. I can't wait til I don't get winded anymore from easy activities. There's my Awesome boyfriend who wants me to be healthy and happy so we can be together for a very long time. My company is currently doing a wellness challenge, and I am entered in it. 3 winners get a free trip to Mexico! Woo! Can't really think of a more powerful motivating incentive than that. And really, just a very simple truth - I am tired of feeling fat. I want to feel sexy and slender and beautiful. I want to look and the mirror and think, man I am HOT, instead of well, this is what you've got, so find some clothes that help hide it. I want to be happy with myself. Don't get me wrong; I don't hate my body. It's okay, and I'm not really too self conscious (at least outwardly), but I would like to Love my body and feel beautiful without even trying or telling myself.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    I want to get better gas mileage on my motorcycle....

    Ok, it's not my major motivation, but it is A motivation... :laugh:
  • dwntwnpengrl
    dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
    I'd like to walk and move and not feel like I'm 65. I'm 43.
  • Pink rocks! I'd love to that body. I don't think my BF would want me to be more muscular than he is though...LOL
  • Cloverdoll
    Cloverdoll Posts: 27 Member
    My motivation... right now... shoes with laces! I want to be able to tie shoes without sitting down to hike a leg up or bend down on one knee. I'm sure once I get to this point I'll need a different type of motivation, but right now... that's where I am.
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    My motivation is the size 10's that I bought last summer.... I see them sitting there but I don't dare put them on.... I WILL get back into them!!!!
  • booksey
    booksey Posts: 11 Member
    My motivation is the voice in my head that says,'" run fatty, run". he's kind of a **** but effective.

    This made my morning, thanks for that! :laugh:
  • cbm413
    cbm413 Posts: 36
    I want to feel beautiful and healthy. There are a million little reasons that make up that motivation, but it all pretty much boils down to those two things. Oh, and energy! (Although I guess that goes with health.)
  • rmitscher
    rmitscher Posts: 7 Member
    My motivation is 40 is coming!!
  • I have several things that motivate me but my main motivation is the fact that I am 41 yrs old, not getting any younger and I want to live a long, healthy life so that I may enjoy my loved ones for as long as I can! I am tired of being a fat butt and the hottie in me is screaming to come out and play. LOL So....... time to bring my sexy back!!! :)
  • My motivation is my nephew and family and my boyfriend. My family is all working to lose weight so let we are fit. We are also supporting one another on trying to lose the weight. My boyfriend is Supporting me has I'm supporting him in losing weight and him quieting smoking
  • bethliberti
    bethliberti Posts: 9 Member
    I'm getting married in August! That's my main motivation right now. However, I don't want to be one of those women who pack on the pounds after the wedding. Another big motivation is that the endorphins released during exercise really helps with my depression. I would much rather workout, sweat, and possibly be sore than be dependent on a pill for life.
  • elizsnay
    elizsnay Posts: 2
    My motivation is the wedding dress I will be wearing in 2 months. I bought is last year, and then we pushed the wedding back because we found out I was pregnant. So I want to lost the last 5-10 lbs of baby weight so I fir into my dress again.