
angbieb Posts: 692 Member
Good Morning!

Have a great day today everyone! If you had a bad week, or even if you didn't have a bad week, today is the day to focus and set goals for the next weigh in! Remember every day counts! If you want to see results...now is the time...we aren't getting any younger..lol! Everyone is doing SO great! Let's have an awesome week with exciting results to report on Monday okay?!

I have a busy day today...I have another job interview today and I have to do volunteer work..doing taxes, and I have to try to get caught up on my Excel homework:grumble: (grumbles for the Excel homework, not the taxes...I meet the nicest people doing there taxes..it's for low income families...kind of ironic because I'm about as low income as you can get...I can't even get a job..lol!)
Hopefully, with all this busy schedule today I can at least get in a good run!

:heart: ang:smooched:


  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I have an appointment with a trainer at the gym this morning at 10. Kinda nervous how that's going to go she didn't have much of a personality when I met her yesterday but it's free advice so I will take it.

    Side note, has anyone taken a Spinning class, the new gym i'm going to has it and I am thinking of taking it tomorrow morning but scared at the same time.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I have an appointment with a trainer at the gym this morning at 10. Kinda nervous how that's going to go she didn't have much of a personality when I met her yesterday but it's free advice so I will take it.

    Side note, has anyone taken a Spinning class, the new gym i'm going to has it and I am thinking of taking it tomorrow morning but scared at the same time.

    I have taken spin classes and they are awesome...but they aren't easy! I think it's a great idea to incorporate as many new things as you can into your workout and challenge yourself! Have fun!
  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
    Angie, I hope your day goes fantastic! Thanks for the motivation! Are you still doing any lifting? I was thinking about starting some of it but not sure if it's possible to do heavy lifting at home with no money to buy more equipment.....

    AliandTrev, good luck with your appointment today, I hope it goes well.

    Today is looking a little better than yesterday. I just want to get outside SO bad, tired of being stuck inside because of the cold! I had a big breakfast today so I'm hoping that holds me over until lunch. Yesterday I snacked a lot all day and that never seems to fill me up, I just want to keep eating. I need to shake up my workouts. This week so far I have only been running in place and doing an ab workout. I wish I could just go to a gym...sigh....lol BUT I just have to get more creative at home :) I have different videos I just don't like doing them because I feel constricted, I can only do them in one place, I have to pause if baby wakes up, when my husband is home he doesn't want to watch them. I'd much rather just do some type of routine without a video! I feel like I'm sort of stuck right now. I'm getting comfortable even though I'm not at my goal because I'm 2 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight so this is what I'm used to. My clothes fit so I feel like I'm not working as hard. I never make it past this point and this is where I REALLY need to push to get past that 130 mark into the 20's! I guess I'll see what I can come up with :)

    Have a fabulous day everyone!
  • rebekah5055
    rebekah5055 Posts: 12 Member
    I am loving this challenge! I have not been as vocal as I would like, but the weight is coming off and this has motivated me. I just wanted to say thank you!
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    The appointment went great, she was much more personable today and I actually really liked her. It didn't seem like it at the time but she kicked my butt. I did W3D1 of C25K after our session and now that I am home I am pooped! I'd really like to take advantage of the training offer they have for new members which is 4 hour sessions for $176 I really hope I can talk my husband into it. I am good with what we went through today which works my whole body but I would like to meet with her again after doing that for a couple weeks
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!!
    Angie - good luck!!!!

    I love this challenge group too. I keeps me motivated.
    Thanks Angie and everyone else!
  • amcmikel
    amcmikel Posts: 35 Member
    Angie, hope your interview went well!!
    I love getting on here and reading the posts everyone puts on. Sometimes I dont really want to workout and then I get on here and read what everyone is doing and it motivates me to do it!!So glad to be a part of this group!!:bigsmile:
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Thanks everybody...I love you guys!! And guess what? The interview went great! I'm stick in shock at how well it went!! I couldn't wait to come on here and tell you all! I love reading about everyone's day too! It's so funny (and I don't know if you all do this too) but when I read your posts I picture you (everybody) in my head and I just wish we all lived by each other! You guys are the best!
    Thank you for being my friends...:flowerforyou: :cry: Just thinking about it makes me want to cry...It's been an emotional day and those are happy tears..:heart: