New members- say hello!



  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    I'm Anna, 23. I am an engineer working in construction. I move every 2-3 years, no boyfriend, no pets, no kids. My hours are kind of crazy some days and other days pretty nice. I can be seated all day or up and moving (climbing stairs, ladders, crawling, walking, etc).

    I hope to make new MFP friends and keep on working hard - in life & my job.
  • peanutUK
    peanutUK Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Jess. I'm 33 and originally from Milwaukee, WI, but moved to a small town in England about 5 years ago. I am the manager of a local day care, I've been married for four years, no children, no pets. I love my job, but it can mean long days, and it's been difficult for me to build exercise into my permanent routine.

    My current weight: 142
    My goal weight: 125
  • staceymd84
    staceymd84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I'm Stacey and I'm from Turlock, California. Earlier this year I graduated from college and am now working as an Accounting Assistant at a University. I am single and have no children, but I do have a puppy name Dexter who has helped me start jogging regularly. I also recently just bought my first home, so I have had a pretty good past year. I have however found that sitting in a cubicle and working quite close to a Starbucks and delicious bakery has helped me put on ten pounds in the last year. I would like to get back to a weight that makes me feel good.

    Current weight: 151
    Goal weight: 125
  • Hello everyone! My name is Tiffany, I am 19 years old, work 40+ hours a week at a call center (sitting in a cubicle for 8+ hours a day) for a delivery company and go to college part time (English Major). I am just getting back into MFP since I have been horrible at losing weight lately and I finally hit my personally-unacceptable-weight (you know, the weight that you promise yourself that you will never get to) and I refuse to be a lazy couch potatoe any longer! My biggest problems area snacking when I'm bored and eating fast food. I am hoping to lose about 30-35lbs and could really use some help and motivation!
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! I'm Chandra, 26 year old accounting professional working towards my goals of being fit and able to take on the world! I live outside Philadelphia, PA and have hopes of moving across the country or the world in the next few years. I'm currently single with no children, just my bullboxer rescue dog who is like my baby. Looking for other women who are looking to lose 100+ lbs. Happy to be a part of this group!

    Current Weight: 282 lbs
    Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    Ideal Weight: 130 lbs
  • stonecraft
    stonecraft Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm Jessica, a 23 year old executive assistant to a vice-president and portfolio manager at one of Canada's wealth management firms. I work in Toronto, sit at a desk for about 8-10 hours a day and am usually too exhausted to do anything after work except go out for drinks or food (which I have slowly started to change). I graduated from university with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 2010 and jumped feet first into the corporate world right after. After working for 2 years, I've realized that I have to stop using my busyness as an excuse for being unhealthy. I'm single with no children, career-minded and love to travel. Looking for other women who are on the same journey as I am. Glad to be here! [Stats - SW: 260, CW: 245, GW: 130]
  • evlipford
    evlipford Posts: 29 Member
    Hey guys my name is Erien and i am 20 years old, a full time student as well as working 40+ hours at Lowe's Corporate office and Wilkesboro, NC...I am a single mom and have the most amazing three year old you will ever meet and i am currently 5'8.. 212 trying to get down to 165 my weight before my son. :) I need motivators to add me!!!!!
  • kburgess247
    kburgess247 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Everyone. My name is Kristin and I'm 26. Just finished law school and I'm studying for the Connecticut bar exam this summer! I've been back and forth on fitness and I've decided that now as I'm starting my career it's the time for me to focus and really build healthy habits for life and a body that'll last. Great to meet all of you!
  • I'm Nitara and I'm 30 (is that still considered young?). I have my own work at home business working as a social media marketer. Married, with a lil troublemaker honey baby lamb face girl that's almost 2 years old. 2 dogs. Live in the middle of nowhere and not crazy about it, but after losing our house in this crazy economy, this is our chance to start over. I figured since we're starting a new life, I should try to get in better shape and shed the baby weight plus the general weight I'd already accumulated. I'm 180lbs and would like to get down to 160 which by some standards is still "big" but on me, looks very good! Always open to new friends and love to motivate others. Feel free to add me, I'll always comment on your updates. You can also join me on my humorous healthy eating & motivation Facebook page!
  • caseye83
    caseye83 Posts: 15
    Hello My name is Casey. I am 29 years old and live in good ole' North Carolina. My current weight is 219 and my goal is 140. I don't remember ever being that small. So any progress I make is a new place for me. This is my first full week on mfp and even though I have had struggles I am much more aware of eating habits these days. I just started back to school full time and I am still working full time so I try to get in a good workout 3 times a week. So far I have lost 4lbs which I am sure thats water weight but I know I can do this.....I have to do this!
  • Hi My name is Amber. I am 23 and am beginning my career as a teacher this year. I am a martial arts instructor in Missouri. I have gained about 25 lbs in the past couple years (college was not good to me) and am really wanting to get back in shape.
  • mamalopez12
    mamalopez12 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all. I am a single mommie. just had my baby nine month ago. Just joined this group. Hope to learn a lot frm this site!

    that is all!
  • cwynne44
    cwynne44 Posts: 1 Member
    hey everybody!! I'm a 24 year old, currently working full time and going to Grad school for my Masters full time. I have a B.A. in Psychology and am currently in school for my Masters in Social Work.

    I work until 5 then am running to class by 6, three nights out of the week. I am usually pretty stressed out and have found that I am eating poorly. Since starting Grad school in September, I've gained 4 pounds!

    I joined MFP to track my calories, learn how to eat better (even on-the-go), and motivate myself to stop the bad habits i've picked up. I try to hit the gym on the weekends or when I have time but its been hard!

    Anyway, it's nice to hear about girls who are in the same predicament as myself...we can do it!:smile:
  • Cellery67
    Cellery67 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm excited to join this group. I'm 24 years old and working full time as a community organizer in Florida, after graduating from college in 2010. My CW is 163 (I think-- I don't own a scale and I refuse to buy one, but I'll start checkin in at the scale at the grocery store...). My GW is 140. I was down to 153 last summer, but then I started dating a wonderful man who likes to eat out a lot. We fixed that habit so now I just want to get rid of some weight too!
  • PWH22
    PWH22 Posts: 2
    Hola Ladies! My name is PJ and I'm super excited about this group! I'm 25 and work in Marketing. I used to dance and cheerlead in HS and college. Since I've graduated a couple of years jeans fit a lot tighter, and some don't fit at all! Now I am determined to get my body back to the way I want it.

    I goal is to have an active fit way of life and not just do fit things. I want my way of life to force me to be healthy and fit so that I am not always looking to loose weight or tone up, instead my weight will be maintained and toning will occur from my fit lifestyle.

    Beach bodies here we come!

    Best wishes to you all ;)
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 26 years old. I work 36 hours or more per week as an icu nurse. I'm also married and in school full-time for my master's degree. I'm currently 208lbs with a goal weight of 150lbs. Tired of buying fat chlothes and feeling tired all the time. Florida is mostly hot and I want to look good in shorts again. :happy:
  • mzkyt
    mzkyt Posts: 1
    Hi! I am a overworked and under appreciated 34 yr old. I have been overweight all my life. Lately I have watched helplessly as my life spiraled out of my control and I've finally said enough. I am just starting my weight loss journey and have a long way to go. I currently weigh 278 lbs and my goal is 165 lbs. I am greatly looking forward to finding one-derland again.
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Ashley. I am 22 and work as a legal assistant. At night I take classes for my pre-med program. I graduated college last december and after a year of working have had a change of heart in my career path. I am currently 132ish but used to be 112. So getting back to that is my motivation!! My biggest struggle is definitley drinking since happy hours seem to be everyday and there is ALWAYS an event going on. The calories in alcohol are HORRIBLe and I know that. I need to get back in summer shape!
  • kimrpn89
    kimrpn89 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello my name is Kimberly. I'm 24 years old and I work as a Registered Practical Nurse in a long term care facility. I love geriatrics and working as a nurse is awsome, although sometimes very trying. I am currently planning my wedding (12 weeks to go) and that keeps me very busy. I try to cycle everyday and am currently doing the 30 day shred with Jillian. NIce to meet you all;)
  • lynnzlulu89
    lynnzlulu89 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Lindsey, and I love cupcakes, the Beatles, roadtrips, and Big Bang Theory. I LOVE my current full time job in warranty administration, but since my dream is to change the world, I am pursuing law school.

    This fall, I will be maid of honor in a friend's wedding. I don't want to look like a great big beluga whale in all of the wedding photos, so I am DETERMINED to get fit!