Tips for beginners?

I'm on my first week of Turbo Fire and LOVING IT. This is my first Beachbody fitness challenge. I would love to have some accountability partners.

I'm 27 years old and currently 8 lbs down after two weeks of exercise and calorie counting. I just bought some new Nike cross trainers and a Polar watch, and am ready to kill it!

If you have any tips for me as someone new to the program, I would love to hear them. :)


  • tzur21
    tzur21 Posts: 29
    I am also new, in week 3. I have never done anything like this before. I recently trained for a marathon, but found I was up a few pounds and not toned at all! I have had 4 kids, am going to be 36 soon, and need to tone up this body and loose another 10 pounds.

    I found the first week I was VERY sore. I could hardly sit down. I no longer get sore, but my muscles feel like they got a workout. I have not yet found the videos to get any easier for me. I cannot do traditional pushups for example, and have to do it w/ my knees bend.

    Good luck!!
  • EmmaLA16
    EmmaLA16 Posts: 94 Member
    I am also new, also in week 3. I tried insanity before TF and couldn't get past week four, but I love TF, I look forward to every workout.
    I'm 38 (39 in just over a week) and only have about 7lb to lose now but need to tone up more. I'm noticing a difference already with TF though.
  • actiontime26
    actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
    TF is fun! If you follow the schedule and eat properly, you will see the difference. At first, you may not see the different on your scale, but you will feel it in you clothes getting looser and having more energy. I'm at week 5. I lost 7 lbs ( starting on week 3) and many inches all over ( mostly my waist). Getting support for others girls doing turbo is pretty motivating. Get you pumping! So if you wanna add me, I glad to add you.
  • collyermum
    I agree with Actiontime. I am just into my second week of TF and dieting as best I can, and my shirt this morning is one that wouldn't do up properly a fortnight ago, ie before I started! I am hoping the scales will start to show a difference soon too.

    I was really sore the first few days, something awful, but its not so bad now. Although I've just done the Core and Stretch workout and think I might feel it tomorrow!
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    -push play EVERDAY...even if you are sore!
    -don't skip or trade out workouts for other ones you prefer (they took a lot of time to make that schedule so it the best for you body so you don't injure or overexert yourself...use the tools they gave you)
    -wear great shoes and save your knees by pivoting!
    -have fun and give it your all every time you show up (even if that means following Ally to keep it a bit more low impact...I know I have a few times...especially at the beginning)

    I log in every day and do my best to never miss a workout...feel free to add me!
  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    I am also new, also in week 3. I tried insanity before TF and couldn't get past week four, but I love TF, I look forward to every workout.
    I'm 38 (39 in just over a week) and only have about 7lb to lose now but need to tone up more. I'm noticing a difference already with TF though.

    How are u doing with having to lose so little weight? I have 3 pounds left and it's hard! I'm 39 too and I'm trying to find people my age with the same situation as me to chat with? Did u find with TF that ur always hungry? I want to eat everything!
  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    I am also new, also in week 3. I tried insanity before TF and couldn't get past week four, but I love TF, I look forward to every workout.
    I'm 38 (39 in just over a week) and only have about 7lb to lose now but need to tone up more. I'm noticing a difference already with TF though.

    How are u doing with having to lose so little weight? I have 3 pounds left and it's hard! I'm 39 too and I'm trying to find people my age with the same situation as me to chat with? Did u find with TF that ur always hungry? I want to eat everything!