Other than Recreation/Instruction?

dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
Have any of you ever used your scuba skills for something other than recreation and/or instruction?

I have on a few occasions.
First, my instructor is a local CSI Officer and he asked me to assemble a skilled team to dive a pond looking for some weapons used in a local murder. We dove and searched it twice (total black water diving) using grids and surface rope support and found nothing. Both weapons showed up later in another crime, so at least we didn't miss them.

The other time, just last year, I was hired as a safety diver for the filming of the season 3 finale of "The Vampire Diaries." 2 days of practice and rehearsal and 2 days of shooting resulting in almost 60 hours in the water. That was a fun job. Much better than the previous CSI dives. :)


  • Scott2ndGradeTeacher
    Scott2ndGradeTeacher Posts: 147 Member
    I spent a decent amount of time underwater (45 minutes at a time, of course) after Desert Storm on a platform under a cruise ship as part of the "counterterrorism" effort.
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    I dive for work regularly. I sure do love my job (sometimes....not always) :happy: