Starting today/tomorrow :D

Hey all! I'm finally committing to this program to finally lose the rest of this weight and tone up for good! I tried Turbofire last year at some point but ended up quitting after a couple of weeks because I was exhausted ALL the time (now I know that was because I was eating too little). But now I am back and determined to make it through! I'll need all the help and support but it is happening this time once and for all! Tomorrow morning (April 12th) Turbofire here I come :)


  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hi, i'm a newbie to Turbofire - currently 4 days in. I have sent you a friend request....

    Let's do this!!
  • collyermum
    Great stuff, Jennify! I am a week and a half into it and have lost 3lbs so far! I'll send you a friend request too. It looks promising this program!
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    Hey feel free to add me too. I did the prep schedule and am now on the 2nd week of the real thing! Love it!!
  • mclay12
    mclay12 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! I am a newbie to Turbo Fire as well!!! Started on Monday of this week!!!! We can do this!!! I will send you a friend request :-)
  • jennify21
    Thanks everyone! Just finished Day 1 and wow am I beat! But in a good way, it's been a long time since I felt like I actually deserved my shower and really should have one lol. Hope all of your workouts are going well!