Welcome - Intro

loril13 Posts: 320 Member
Welcome fellow CA's.

My name is Lori. I am a senior registered CA in Boston, MA. I've been in this role since March 2005. I've been with the company since Fleet Bank, NA in 1998.

I am very lucky. We have a gym in my building with classes every day at noon and 1:00. My two main FA's both go to their respective gyms just about everyday; one in hte morning, one in the afternoon. They have no problem with me using my lunch hour to go down to one of the classes.

I've been on MFP for a couple of years. I've reached my goal weight. I find maintenance a challenge. FInding that balance of not losing anymore weight and also not putting any back on.

How about you?


  • SageSag
    SageSag Posts: 2
    I so envy you having a gym nearby. There are two times in my adult life that I've exercised regularly. Once was when several co-workers and I were going to Jazzercise together and the other was when there was a gym in the lobby of our building and I worked 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. I was still able to have a workout and get home by five.

    I'd like to do the Couch to 5k but haven't quite gotten out and started doing the walking/running yet but I have plans Sunday to meet up with a friend and walk the circuit around the Portland waterfront.

    BTW, I'm Kerry and work in the Lake Oswego, OR office and live in Beaverton. I'm young enough I want to work our and lose weight for vanities sake, I'm old enough to want to do it because I realize I need this old body to carry me around and to live in.
  • SandyCou
    SandyCou Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Sandy. I work in the Woodland Hills, CA office. <waving> :) I have about ten more pounds to lose; I've already lost ten since mid-January. I'm here for the friendship and support!
  • Hi, I'm Michele Marcus from Champaign IL. I was just excited to see this group start and wanted to join in. I'm lucky that I'm already at my goal weight and just want to maintain. I've gotten pretty good at the whole fitness and nutrition thing and am hoping to offer encouragement and words of wisdom. I hope to help in anyway I can. I wish the best of luck to you all on your goals.
  • Hello I am Laura from the Cary NC branch. Been with the company since 2005. I changed my eating habits back in February when I went for my health screening and nearly ran out in a panic. I knew a had work to do and lose a lot of extra weight. I stopped eating whites: potatoes, white bread, pasta etc and am down 20 pounds with twice that much to go. I no longer eat meals brought in for the billion luncheons and I don't snack unless it's healthy. I don't do gyms but do have several workout dvd's that I attempt the best I can but I have not put true effort in excersise because honestly when I get home after a hard days work I am exhausted. Looking forward to going on this journey with so many fellow CA's. If we can handle our jobs, we can handle this!! Good luck to all :)
  • SageSag
    SageSag Posts: 2
    I'm at the age (58) where people my age are starting to have serious health problems related to the way they have (or haven't) taken care of themselves. It's still partly about vanity, but even more so about knowing this is the only body I have to drag myself around in. My dad passed away last September at 85, and my mom will turn 80 this summer so I figure I need to have this body in good working order for another thirty years. With any luck.

    I have lots of workout DVD's; TaeBo, Zumba, Jazzercise, Leslie Sansone (walking). I don't think, no...I know I haven't gotten past the first disc with any of them. Hmmm, so maybe I should think about a different way to incorporate more movement into my life since DVD's doesn't seem to be working for me. Maybe something with a social aspect?

    Hey Michele! We met with a prospect last week and she is a runner so I told her about the Color Run, which she had not heard of. Later I followed up with an email with the link to the website. Still haven't heard if she's picking us yet, but it's nice to have an excuse to "touch" a prospect or client.