More 'Alternative Dietary Lifestyle" Friends

annepage Posts: 585 Member
In general, I'm looking to add active friends with "dietary diversity"-vegan, vegetarian, raw, paleo, etc. Basically, those who like the 'wholesome food' approach all or most of the time.

I started looking into different "dietary lifestyles" (grocery shopping, prep methods, recipes) at the beginning of this year and would love to 'meet' more people with this interest.


  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    You're welcome to add me. My diary is open. I try to eat as much whole food as possible. It takes more planning than previously, but I have mostly gotten used to it. I enjoyed going to a farmer's market this morning to pick up some nom-noms. :) Fresh spinach, onions, orange cauliflower, and beets. All grown from the a co-op farm on the reservation near my neighborhood. I sampled a delicious onion bread with hummus spread from a lady who offers raw vegan cooking classes. I wish I had a million dollars and buckets of time to do all of those types of things (along with piano and dance classes!)...haha...

    I eat a plant-based diet with no eggs, dairy, or meat. I read labels fairly closely, but I don't obsess. I do enjoy starting the day with a protein shake and have switched over to Amazing Meal plant-based protein powder versus my previous whey protein powder. I also enjoy things like cereal and granola bars, but choose brands like Kashi that have many organic ingredients and also ingredients that I can pronounce and that make sense! I want to experiment with making from scratch things like that. I've seen a few interesting recipes for homemade larabars online... :)
  • danikanoodles
    danikanoodles Posts: 150 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been following a raw food diet for little over a year now.
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    I follow an entirely vegan diet, I'm heavily into juicing and I'd say I eat 80% whole food :) Trying to make it 100!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I am MOSTLY vegan, but occasionally eat fish because I really love it.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    feel free to add me, i am vegan :)
  • LolaVersion2
    LolaVersion2 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm an advocate of the whole foods lifestyle... anyone can add me. friends are what keep us accountable!
  • doreedawn
    doreedawn Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me :) I am mostly "plant strong" (occasional eggs and cheese and I know the wine I drink is not always strictly vegan). I am about 2/3 raw, especially in the warmer months, and try to stick to a whole foods, unprocessed diet. Recently I cut out all processed sugar and I can't believe how much better I look and feel.

    I'm planning on going back to school to study nutrition with an emphasis on healthy plant-based eating. In the meantime, I read all that I can and play with recipes every chance I get so that I can can help with healthy foods that are affordable and fit into a busy lifestyle.
    :) Dorée