new Briton the bloke

chrishobbit Posts: 9 Member
Hi everyone, just joined so wanted to introduce myself. I lack willpower, big time! Tend to eat when I'm bored or upset. Just lost job so things particularly difficult at the moment. Lots of time to sit about eating. So fed up with the weight creeping up and no control over eating. Its nice to join a forum where we can help each other, you don't feel so isolated. Let's all have a good week ! Subject should have read, new Briton on the block!


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Hi Chris, instead of thinking "lots of time to sit about eating" you could turn it round and say lots of time to sort out your diet and exercise.

    It's hard when you are out of work but you can turn a negative into a positive.
    If you eat when you are bored then you have to be very careful not to have your trigger foods in the house - diet often starts with shopping....
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Chris,
    I'm at home all the time because I care for my disabled wife. Giving up a stressful but rewarding career to be at home 24/7 was a huge culture shock and the main reason for my weight gain. But now I've taken charge of my life, given myself a huge boot up the backside and am rebuilding my body into the size and shape I want it to be.
    Work out what is going to work for you, as far as diet goes and with all that time on your hands, use it to your advantage and exercise. Find an exercise that you like and that will help you reach your goals. I tried several different exercises until I discovered a love for weightlifting. Now, I couldn't imagine not lifting weights.
    Good luck on your journey. I've sent you a friend request.
  • shazzamax11
    shazzamax11 Posts: 154
    Hi Chris,

    I know how you feel. I got redundancy last year and I've gained just over 14lbs, I had to cancel my gym membership because I just couldnt afford it anymore. All the swimming pools etc near me are run by big health clubs so its really difficult to find somewhere to exercise. I did however get a puppy in November and taking her for daily walks has given me some sort of inspiration but I do struggle with "comfort eating" and even more so in the cold, dark days. I have been lucky to get some temp work on and off and now the weather is a lot brighter I'm feeling more inclined to eat healthily. It is a good time to use your spare time to exercise etc, but its not always possible and willpower can be difficult to find. Anyways, feel free to add me if you want to. I'm back here again and determined to get myself motivated.