what a pain in the hip!

donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
does anyone else get pain in the hip joint when they jog?
mine is a slow build up but it got so bad two weeks ago that i had to take a week off running.
my doctor told me to stop running and lose weight and my hip will no longer hurt... cheers for that
last week i did some shorter runs of 12-16minutes and today went to 20minutes and so far no pain.
but does anyone have any good techniques or stretches to help with hip pain!


  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I get hip tightness and pain as my runs start to increase, when I was knew to running it happened after fewer miles now its about 10 and up. Make sure you increase your running time gradually andvtry stretching on a foam roller after your runs.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I had that problem just yesterday on a 5mile run/jog. I think for me it is form. I think I take short strides and it tends to tighten up. When I consciously made myself take longer strides my hip felt better and I felt more comfortable.

    not sure if that is helpful to you but I was surprised to find it worked to change my stride.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    i take short strides too, maybe a change in form is needed, i'll try it today
  • bryionak
    bryionak Posts: 110 Member
    Not an expert and this free advice is only worth what you paid, but doing a frog stretch could help. The best stretch for me is the 10 - 11 minute warm up stretch from P90X Kenpo X. I seem to never have problems if I follow that.

    basically saunter cycle helps stretch waist and sides, crouching prayer and rocking stretches Achilles, runners stretch and crescent pose for legs and pelvis, hamstring stretch then opening the leg hamstring and pelvis, pigeon for buttocks, kenpo quad for quads, frog for pelvis and hips, downward dog for calves.
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    my stretching was minimal, i am doing more now and cycling and pilates on my off days, that seems to help too, less repetitive, but i'll try a longer warm up, i was only doing 5mins before a jog