My Story

bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
first off, its me
not the surgery
but me
i made a lot of STUPID mistakes
and just kind of let myself "forget" why i had it
2 days after my birthday in 2003 i had rny, i was 332lb.
i lost down to 176
i got pregnant a year out and had my DD in 2005
i ate like crap....
i got pregnant in 2009 and had twins jan 2010
i was on heart medicine, i almost died in the hospital
i ate like crazy stupid, i "beat" the pouch
i weigh 281- down from 299...
its been 10 years...
i have had VERY few issues with my pouch or surgery, so its easy to "forget" about it
i have a LOSt of weight to kiss goodbye again..

have questions about calories, etc, and just want "in your shoes" support, trying to revive this group.


  • isthereafreeusername
    isthereafreeusername Posts: 10 Member
    I agree, it's me, not the surgery! I strayed from the eating plan that I was told I would have to follow in order to keep the weight off.

    I had surgery in September 2003, weighing 257, lost down to 160, and am now at 223 almost 10 years later. Like you, Beth, I have had very few "pouch" issues, and was really doing well health-wise. I just forgot to change my eating habits, and have put a little weight on every year since surgery. My only real issue lately was being diagnosed with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. This condition causes severe bloating, gas, and elimination issues. It is manageable, however, as long as I'm eating the right foods. So in a way, maybe this was a blessing in disguise.

    I would like very much to stay connected with some folks who are in the same situation. I really think we can help each other.

    I will say this, too. I always do better when I log in my food intake. I ALWAYS eat more than I think I do when I'm not logging. It's been eye-opening for me, as it always is when I commit to it. I do love the tools on this site, and am thankful for that.
