Taking time for me

ShaniJoyous Posts: 2 Member
I've decided that what's good for me is good for my family. I can't be a good role model for my girls if I'm not confident and happy with who I see in the mirror. I don't want my girls growing up with the same insecurities that I have. So the time I take to workout isn't just an investment in myself, it's an investment in my daughters also.


  • peachypants
    peachypants Posts: 34 Member
    Great way to look at it! I don't want to miss a beat of my daughters life. I don't want to spend it hiding because I don't like the way I look. I want to be confident. And the happiness will follow.
    Thanks for posting this- it's a good reminder of why I'm doing this.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    That is a great way to look at it although it is sometimes hard to keep that in focus. My first son was one of my main inspirations for losing the weight. I just recently had my second son and I have to keep reminding myself that I need to get healthy and stay healthy so I can be there for them and teach them how to live a healthy life.