Been bulimic for 35 years

Hi everyone. I am glad to join this group. I have been a bulimic for 35 years with never a full year of recovery as far as I can remember. Being apart of MFP and this group gives me hope that I can come out of the shadows and face my ED. Track my food and give myself some thinking time before I launch into another binge/purge cycle. I don't want to die of this. Thanks. --Bernadette


  • yulinda
    yulinda Posts: 154 Member
    There doesn't seem to be too much activity in this group, I joined a few weeks agao and the person who started this group has not been around. But I am here!

    I have been bulimic for around 15 years, I am in the midst of a relapse now and my goal is to not purge today then I will go from there. Feel free to friend me if you want, maybe we can break this cycle togehter!
  • STAR4W
    STAR4W Posts: 11
    I'm like you. I am a bulimic and am just now coming to grips with it. It is def a mind/body battle all the time. I'm 31 and have had bulimia as my best friend since I was in second grade. I quit for the majority when I was pregnant with my kids, but now with loosing my job it has gone in over drive. MFP helps me see I'm not eating as many calories as I think at times. But still, the high from purging (throwing up) is still having me hooked. For example, today my son wanted to go to a buffet for his birthday dinner. No problem, I ate smart. I had to go bathroom and while there I was like "hey old times" and went ahead and vomited. I'm not proud of it, but I have to admit I did have a perk in my step afterward. No one was the wiser. I'm still ashamed- but like I said it is a catch 22. My youngest son just turned 8- and at his age I had had bulimia for a yr. I'm still trying to narrow down my triggers. I could use any advise or support you ladies would offer. I'm hoping I'm healthy and free of this before I turn 40.
  • JosieFury
    JosieFury Posts: 18 Member
    I'm around, just extremely shy and too scared to introduce myself. Bulimic for 29 years here.
  • yulinda
    yulinda Posts: 154 Member
    Well here goes. today freaked me out. I binged on a half dozen biscuits and when i tired to purge all that dough got stuck in my throat and I almost choked. I had not drunk enough water to purge it. What is worse is that I kept trying cause the thought of not being able to get rid of it was screwing with my mind. I ended up with blood shot eyes and broken capillaries in my cheeks but that was nothing compared to thinking that I was not able to rid myself of all the calories. This is a really ****ed up illness and stress is only making it worse. Not giving in though, i am going to beat this. We all are!
  • shrinkingbeauty12
    hi im 23 years old and have suffered from eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia, EDNOS) for over 6 years, im currently in recovery for almost a year now... i just wanted to say dont give up!! it came to the piont were i was 98lbs and going lower and lower... i thought to myself.. your going to die from this... if you dont try and stop this is going to kill you... its hell... the first few months especially. Im telling you recovery feels like your giving up! it feels like your getting sooo much worse than getting better... its sitting with your pain and guilt and EVERYTHING that you dont want to feel or face! only going through ourselves and our personal darkness can we begin to live.. but as you crawl your way out... slowly u see that maybe... just maybe you CAN live a better way than this... and you CAN. i feel each and everyone of you in my soul~ i hope my words at least make you smile
  • KikigetsSkinny
    Hi ladies.

    I've suffered from extreme restrictions and binging for 11 years.. I'm on a binging phase now. Hope to be out f it soon.
    I have a lot of anxiety, im recovering from PTSD, and depression.. So that's me in a nutshell
  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    It bums me out that people get these ideas that eating disorders are so imaginary that people just "snap out of it" when they turn 18 or 21. I'm, ugh, 38 now and I've been struggling off and on since...god. Primary school.

    I know this group isn't very active but if any of you "old timers" want to add me you can. I'm not doing so great right now (or I wouldn't be on MFP, probably).