4/15 to 4/21/13 Bento Challenge Week!

Hey Everyone - Here's where to post your bento pics for this week. I've extended it through Sunday, in case people need the weekend. It's at least 3 bentos this week. Get to posting yummy pics!


  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Getting the ball rollin'!


    From the Just Bento cookbook - Spanish Omelet, with a side of raspberries, a tiny onigiri with an attempt at a face (I think it kind of looks like one of the Snowmen from the Doctor Who special) and a small salad based very loosely on Cersei's salad in the Game of Thrones cookbook. Cannot wait for lunch! The whole thing is about 380 calories.

    Edit to add: ZOMG is this omelett good! Also, why doesn't omelet have two "t"s? It's prettier that way! :laugh:
  • mujisan
    mujisan Posts: 6
    Here's mine today:

    [Still trying to figure out how to post a pic]

    Rice with furikake, chicken nuggets and grape tomatoes.
  • mujisan
    mujisan Posts: 6
    I hope this works. I can't edit my previous post. Sorry it's humongous!

  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    How was the rice, Mujisan?

    Also, my omelet was 380 calories. The whole bento was about 550. Durr - I got that wrong.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    No Bento for me today, although I'm basically eating what I ate yesterday. Someone else post a pic!
  • mujisan
    mujisan Posts: 6
    I think the rice was too dry for my liking, but the furikake is yummy.
  • Here's my "leftover" bento (please excuse the sloppiness) that I packed for yesterday's lunch. It is pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and peppers, I also included frozen green beans, and on the side, a new recipe for me: Crab Rangoon http://www.generationyfoodie.com/2012/02/takeout-makeover-crab-rangoon.html . I substituted shrimp for crab, because I forgot to buy crab last weekend.


    I over-packed my bento box which has a shallow compartment on top to store utensils. The box doesn't close without this compartment, so, it ended up a little messy, (gravy on the underside of the plastic piece, eww). Otherwise, a nice bento, around 355 calories.

    "Crab rangoon" are rather tasty, and fairly easy with the mini muffin pan idea, genius! As I mentioned, I substituted shrimp, but I didn't use as much shrimp as the recipe called for crab (8 ounces, that's a lot of shrimp!!). I think using that much crab (or shrimp) would have made the flavor more seafoody, which I like. These turned out to have very little seafood flavor at all. The recipe uses curry, which I also like, and is a bit spicy (which could have been better balanced by using more meat). I have enough wonton wrappers and cream cheese to make another batch, and hopefully will have the chance to try it out again before the end of week. I will report back!
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    That recipe for crab rangoon looks really good! I have some leftover wontons that I haven't known what to do with them, so I should try this out!
  • mujisan
    mujisan Posts: 6
    Ooh I love crab rangoon!

    Here's mine from today: rice, tuna mayo, snack size seaweed and grape tomatoes.

  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Hey Mujisan - is the seaweed dried or (for lack of a better word) wet? Is it meant to just be eaten or mixed in with something? I'm curious!
  • mujisan
    mujisan Posts: 6
    SaharaZ: the seaweed is dried. It's Korean Nori with seasoning (it's a bit oily and salty). You can just munch on them. I put rice and tuna in it, so it's like a crude hand roll.
  • These are image tags that the url needs to be place between, minus the spaces on either side of the brackets.

    [ img ] pic location [ /img ]

    I usually forget as I don't post pics often, so I click "quote" on a post that already had a picture in it, and remove everything except the [ img ] tags. You could just type the image tags yourself if you can remember them. One day I will remember them!!

    Cut and paste the pic's url between your image tags. I use flickr, it gives me the code, and option for different sizes which I like.

    Let me know if you have questions, I hope this is at least a little helpful :ohwell:
  • No Bento today, this week has been crazy exhausting...so either I won't make 3 bentos this week OR I'll be making one for tomorrow and Saturday. I *DO* have to work this Saturday, and since work is providing lunch, it would be good to have a back up plan :laugh:
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    I have no bento for today, either. Mujisan wins the week! LOL.

    I'm promising one for tomorrow! It will be done!