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  • Batmanswife1
    Batmanswife1 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all! I am 46 and not ready to throw in the towel. I do not want to be a frumpy old lady. My goal is to stay as active and sexy as long as time will allow. I will be losing 20 pounds and can use all the motivation I can get. Feel free to friend me. Have a fabulous day!
  • Howdy! Brand new here!
    Just turned 40 last month and am tired of being fat & tired. Put on my "fat pants" recently and they barely fit. Major reality check.
    I'm here to get fit! And be a good example to my kids, especially my daughter.
  • Hello, I am new to both FitBit and MFP. I received the FB as a gift and after trying to connect with a walking partner that lived too far away she suggested MSP to help us be accountable. I agreed but it is off to a slow start. I have three months till I turn 41 and I have gotten myself fatter than I have ever been. I loved being fit and want it back! I am hoping through the motivation of these apps, and you ladies in this group I can get my *kitten* back in gear. I have 38 pounds to lose and more importantly 9% Body fat to lose so I can make my goals. I hope to create a real give/take relationship with you here. Let's meet our goals together.
  • Did the same thing with my fat pants recently and swore I would not buy any more big clothes! We can do it! No time like the present!
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm a 40 year old mother of three boys. I don't know how I put the weight on, just woke up and noticed it :frown: I hope to lose the 35 extra pounds I'm carrying by the summer so I can keep up with my boys and look good doing it!:tongue:
  • MaureensFreshStart
    MaureensFreshStart Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Everyone :)

    I'm Maureen, 42, mom to three (ages 9, 14, and 19) - newly divorced, and almost 50 pounds lighter since July 2011. I'd like to lose about 10-15 more pounds by July 2013, and would love to have the support and encouragement of other 40 and older ladies as my fellow travelers on this journey!
  • shaminanordin
    shaminanordin Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Nina from Malaysia. I started my family late. I have a soon to be 4 year old son and an18month old daughter. I've lost almost 9lbs and I'm aiming to lose at least 50lbs more. I want to be able to spend quality outdoor activities with my young kids before they start having their own social life. Looking forward to be part of the group!
  • bowmaster71
    bowmaster71 Posts: 27 Member
    My name is Ann. I did MFP awhile ago. I didn't use the tools we have here. I am 41 will be 42 in May. I have 62 lbs to lose. In January I was told I had to drop 20lbs. I have 3 of that to go. I was told a month ago I have severe arthritis in both knees, that the weight has to come of if I want to keep of with all of my children. I have 3 daughters, I step-daughter who has CP completely dependent on someone else. Plus 3 step sons and a grandchild due in May. I want to be able to enjoy the time as Grammie with the children plus be able to keep up with all my teenagers. Looking forward to being part of this community.
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    Hi - I just joined the group and returned to MFP a week ago, logging my food, exercise, etc. I'm 47, and I gained 20 lbs this past winter. I need to lose 50 pounds total. I love good food, cooking and I'm always experimenting, creating new recipes. I can post some healthy ones later. I'm divorced and ready to get ready to date, so I need to get back to fabulous again. :) I do the elliptical, and I like spinning. I have two awesome teens, who are my biggest cheer leaders. I'm glad I found this group, and I look forward to advice from those of you who broke the yoyo cycle and lost weight for good.
  • Hiya. I'm 43. I've had fibromyalgia most of my life and I'm ready to do whatever it takes for more energy and less pain, cognitive challenges, mental health problems and all over fatigue. I moved to Arizona 3 years without knowing anyone because I needed a warmer and more affordable climate. Let's leave this crab shack and bust a move into our new and improved selves!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Hi! I am 45 and looking to lose 100+ lbs and become, not thin but HEALTHY!!! I do not handle stress well it has done a job on my health and my weight. But this past weekend someone said something that has changed my outlook.... "If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution!" So I am going to deal with the stress in a healthy, effective manner, rather than EAT and SIT!!! I am also a wife and mother of 5 mostly grown kids and grandmother of 1 sweet little boy!!!
  • Teddyb220
    Teddyb220 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm new to the website 41 and Fabulous 2 beautiful children and a wonderful husband. Please feel free to add me because I need the support while I'm on this journey...
  • chattyts
    chattyts Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, my name is Tina, a wife of 22 years to a wonderful husband, mother of two - a son 16 and daughter 19. All three are helping to keep me motivated. I am new to the message boards and this group. I joined MFP 4 weeks ago and have already lost 10 pounds, looking to lose another 77.
  • maasmom2
    maasmom2 Posts: 37 Member
    I am 42 and want to lose at least 25 more pounds. I have lost 60 ish so far !!! I am married with two boys. . I'm glad I found this group, and I look forward to advice from those of you who have been on here for a while. I am also New to MFP I really am enjoying logging on my food and exercise. Lets me get perspective on what i am doing.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Hi Everyone! I have been on MFP for 40+ days now and I LOVE it!
    I am 41 years old (42 in a few months) and I'm looking to get HEALTHY and FIT. I am in no rush to reach my goals as I would like this to be a lifestyle change and not a "diet" for lack of a better word, so while I may not have much control over it--I'm going forward with the mantra of "low and slow," although my attitude is anything but!

    Since I'm not sure where "Healthy and Fit" will take this body that is under construction since I've never really been there I can't quite say what my ultimate goals are, but for now I have 5 goals listed here in order of importance first.
    1-To drop my BF% by 6%
    2-To loose 10 inches around my waist
    3-To improve my overall physical health--including mental, spiritual and emotional
    4-To lose 50 lbs (to start with) and
    5-Although this is somewhat vain, I would like to have REALLY GREAT before and after photos, I would really like all of my goals to be noticeable in my pictures.

    I live with my boyfriend Darren, our dog Gabby and our cat Cha-Cha in S.E. Alaska and I look forward to being a part of this group!
  • turtledove910124
    turtledove910124 Posts: 8 Member
    I gals, I am 48 been married to a wonderful guy for 29yrs have 3 great kids and one beautiful grandson. I am 5'6".5 and currently weigh 140 and been trying to get back to 130-135 for yrs. just been on the roller coaster of lose/gain 5lbs.
  • Hello, everyone. I am nearly 45, married and have two boys--21 and 17. Like many, I've been on and off diets most of my adult life. (I joke that I've gained and lost a small person in the last twenty years.) I've gained weight over the last two years, and now want to focus on getting back down to my fighting weight. I need to lose at least 10 lbs. and would love to make it closer to 20 lbs. I'm down 4 so far after three weeks. Hoping to gain inspiration and accountability from my fellow 40-somethings.