Topic #2: Food Inc.

After viewing Food Inc. in class, what is your feeling about the foods you currently eat? Do you feel that the issues with food are a government problem, or a personal choice problem?


  • I believe that after viewing food inc. in class, i think that the food i currently eat us not as good as i thought. I never knew animals were treated like this till now. that's not necessary in my opinion. I feel that the issues with the food are a personal problem if you ask me.
  • I feel the food I currently eat isnt as healthy as I thought. The way the animals like the chickens & the cows are treated is disturbing. I feel the issues with the food are both a government & a personal choice problem because you yourself are the ones who choose to consume the food, but its the government who makes it a choice in the first place.
  • After viewing this video I think that the food i currently eat is not the healthiest for my body. I feel that the issues with food are both a government and personal choice problem.
  • After viewing the video it made me not want to eat meat for while to be honest and it made me realize some foods aren't as healthy and natural as I thought. I feel like it's both a personal choice and government problem because you make.the choice to eat it but the government chooses to change the genetics of things
  • The video was really informative, and my feelings about the food i eat are the same. the issues with the food is a government problem.
  • madigabl
    madigabl Posts: 3
    I feel that the government should regulate what is produced better, and care about more than just whatever money they're making. However, it is our choice to eat what we want, but I don't believe our choices should be limited to such poorly prepared items. When I saw what happened with the chickens, yes, it disturbed me, but honestly I doubt it will stop me from eating chicken.
  • GerardoF
    GerardoF Posts: 3
    I feel that the foods I currently eat are healthy since I was already aware of that kind of modification in food. I think it's a government issue since they sign off on what to import in supermarkets
  • I feel like the government should look into what most company's are doing to our food . The Thor of food we eat can determine a lifestyle you just have to make sure you eat the right food and get all the nutrients you need , after that video I will look into what I eat more and more.
  • Its a personal problem for everyone that knows about it. But, I'd blame the government for not showing people in the first place. Of course the government wouldn't because they want the money. That video was sad, farmers should be more sanitary with what they do; I thought it might would've change the way I look at how I eat, but it hasn't affected it yet.
  • DreGrant
    DreGrant Posts: 3
    The video did not change my view on food. The government should start looking more into companies and how they process the food we eat.
  • I think it really is wrong on the way the people treat the animals. I think it goes for both the government and personal choice because the government really should do something to change the way they have companies treat the animals and there are millions of people who know what people are doing to the animals and they don't care and they continue to eat unhealthy items.
  • I feel that the food inc. video helped me eat more cautiously. Viewing actual footage of cruel animal slauter was awful. I feel that its mainly in the goverments hands how to handle food sources they should be more involved on the foods we eat today.
  • odenealt
    odenealt Posts: 1
    After viewing this video it makes me not like meat and makes me wonder what else do they do to the fruits & vegetables.
  • The food inc video really helped me focus more on how and what i eat
  • After watching food inc my views on what I eat hasn't changed. The government should just look at how comapnies make and process their food.
  • After veiwng the movie in class, i believe it is a goverment proublem, mainly because it is his job to protect people and their children through rights and whats best for out country.
  • Watching this video made me realize that we have not learned enough how our food is processed through our companys.
  • I think that this is a governments problem up to a certin point becuase they do sign off as it being okay to be done. But it is mainly a choice becuase us humans know what we are eating and what has to be done for us to even be able to have this food.
  • My view on what i eat after watching food inc. I feel like i have totally disrespected my body by looking back on the food i've put in my body.
  • After watching Foods inc. , i feel like the government keeps too much for us. becuase sure, everything is about control, but if theyre fighting to keep control over keeping what we putin our bodies a secret, then thats when things have gone too far.
  • After watching Foods Inc. , I realized that the things I eat harms my body in a very harmful way by all the fats and extra words I cant even pronounce.
  • JMohawk
    JMohawk Posts: 3
    I feel like eating more before i go or they go.