Who just started the diet?

michellyn Posts: 108 Member
I'd love to see who else is "with me" on the days. I just started Phase 1, Day 1 today, Monday, April 15.


  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I also started April 15th! I woke up this morning and I was down 1.4 pounds! I went to the bathroom all day yesterday, so I knew I had to be down a little. Now let's see if I can break the 180 mark. I've been gaining and losing the same 7 pounds for the past year! So I will be bery excited to see the 170's again!
  • vhannah53
    vhannah53 Posts: 14
    My sister & I both started on Monday 04/15/2013. I think we are doing it wrong already. I just weighed myself and I am up 1.5 pounds. Please help me understand this before I blow it. example: today for breakfast I made the french toast with strawberries, because we have 50+ pounds to lose I served two slices of sprouted bread and 1 full cup of strawberries..is this right?
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    My sister & I both started on Monday 04/15/2013. I think we are doing it wrong already. I just weighed myself and I am up 1.5 pounds. Please help me understand this before I blow it. example: today for breakfast I made the french toast with strawberries, because we have 50+ pounds to lose I served two slices of sprouted bread and 1 full cup of strawberries..is this right?

    That is right. Make sure you are getting in all your water too. Also what did you guys do for your cardio?
  • vhannah53
    vhannah53 Posts: 14
    we took a semi-brisk walk..I had ankle surgery last year and still having problems and under a drs. care, so I really can't do a true cardio yet....
  • vhannah53
    vhannah53 Posts: 14
    I weighed myself this morning the 2 day.. and I actually gained 1.5 pounds. and my sister had the headache and bloating... I was amazed that Haylie actually took the time to answer my questions... so I know that I am suppose to double the servings and she said just to give it a full cycle try..if we are feeling too full then just cut back to 1.5 servings...this is going to be quite the adventure for sure...hey look I am freefalling!!!! :bigsmile:
  • I started yesterday and was so nervous about the fruits and grains but down 3.6 this am!! Loving this plan.
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    Great, Deedee! I'm actually more nervous about Phase 2 :)
  • tita112
    tita112 Posts: 5
    I started yesterday & today was down 1lb. I have been barreling with my weight since I had my daughter 7 years ago. Tried every diet. Hoping this is it. Good luck!
  • angelh5
    angelh5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All..just started yesterday as well...so far so good:) a little nervous for the phase 2 days, but hopefully they'll go by quickly!
  • irlene
    irlene Posts: 10 Member
    I started Monday. I was so excited to get started on this plan. I think I bought too much food. I still have an apple and melon in the frig. Cant eat it again until next Monday. I will have to plan better next week.
  • Msburque
    Msburque Posts: 5 Member
    I also started on Monday and weighed in at 146.4; I started phase II today and weighed in at 140.6. I had three egg whites with jalapeño this morning and plan on having deli chicken with endive and cucumbers for my am snack.
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    Wow, that's great, msburque!
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    I decided to start today. I may have a couple of setback days ( I have preregistered for 5Ks on days that I would have been in phase 2).

    My starting weight is 157.6 lbs.

    I am hoping this diet will work for me. It sounds promising and makes total since. I am pretty sure I have screwed up my metabolism with constant dieting for 3 years and yet not getting to my goal even when I am eating 1200 calories per day and working out 6 days per week.

    I plan on changing my workout schedule to accommodate this diet. Do my run training in phase 1, strength training in phase 2, and just chill and meditate on phase 3 as the book recommends.

    I currently live on a gluten free diet ( for medical purposes) so the no wheat part will be easy.

    I am excited about this diet. It looks very promising and what do I have to lose. It is worth a try.

    how fast does one start seeing weight changes?
  • I also started on Monday, I haven't dropped a pound and my energy level is sooooo low. I am also struggling with not going to lift weights 4times a week and that I can only run for 2 days. It is going to take some getting used to.
  • spicyi
    spicyi Posts: 18
    I also started on April 15th. Down 3.2lbs on the start of day 3. P2 has been a bit of struggle. Need some crackers or something grainy. So happy this only lasts 2 days. Made the Stuffed Mushrooms for my snacks for today and tomorrow, and also the Stuffed Peppers for my lunches and dinners. The family gets the leftover Broccoli Bowl and the Italian Chicken and Wild Rice. LOL....
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I weighed myself this morning the 2 day.. and I actually gained 1.5 pounds. and my sister had the headache and bloating... I was amazed that Haylie actually took the time to answer my questions... so I know that I am suppose to double the servings and she said just to give it a full cycle try..if we are feeling too full then just cut back to 1.5 servings...this is going to be quite the adventure for sure...hey look I am freefalling!!!! :bigsmile:

    That's good to know about feeling to full. I was feeling that way yesterday, so I just had 1 serving for dinner as I was stuffed!
  • I started 04/15 also. So far I have stuck to the diet 100%. How is everyone doing this day 4? I like the protein days better than the carb days. My body seems to feel better. Or maybe it is just getting used to not having caffeine and sugar.

  • My energy is rock bottom. I am hoping this changes by next week ;) Sharon
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    Sharon, your weights loss is fantastic! I hope your energy picks up soon.

    I'm going to be off the schedule starting next week. My husband cooks on Monday nights, and he is disappointed when I can't eat what he makes, so I'm going to make my P1 Tuesday/Wednesday, P2 Thursday/Friday, and P3 Saturday/Sunday/Monday. I asked Haylie how I should change this, and she said I could make P3 or P1 One day longer to make this change take place, so I'm going to do P3 four days this time to get on the new schedule.

    I am very excited for P3, but I'm still trying to figure out the right portions (gotta find the page which details that). I want to make some hummus. And I'm looking forward to my favorite fruit, (raspberries) again.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    My energy is rock bottom. I am hoping this changes by next week ;) Sharon

    So glad I am not the only one. My fat cravings are off the chart. Tomorrow phase 2