Artificial sweeteners allergy and side effects

As there is a lot of allergy sufferers on here I would really like to know if there is anyone who has had a bad reaction to drinks containing Artificial sweeteners or allergic to them.

For a treat my daughter was allowed a fizzy drink,she had only had a small cup the day before yesterday and yesterday i let her have a small drink of it . she took her time drinking it from a straw but she turned and looked at me and the top of her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose was inflamed with a red rash burning hot to the touch but she said it didn't hurt and showed no signs of it itching and other wise was fine till a couple of hours later and she didn't seem 100% and was hot all over,i took her temperature and it was 36.2 so she wasn't burning up like i thought she would be.
a couple of hours after that and a sleep the rash had vanished completely and wasn't so hot.
I knew it was the drink and found it contained Sucralose and Acesulfame K.
I remember seeing an article saying we should avoid Sucralose,I already knew there is concerns with Aspartame and to make it worse i found this was in the squash fruit drink i had been buying her along with Sacchrarin.
This has now made me change what drinks she has in the hope that if this it the ingredient to blame she will be ok from this point on wards but i know from the foods i give her it is very unlikely she has come across Sucralose and Acesulfame K before which is why i think one or maybe both are to blame.


  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    I did not get rashes, but when I used to use Sucralose I was having muscular issues. I can't really describe what it felt like (pains sort of, fatigue, aches), but when I told my doctor that I had switched to Sucralose she told me to get off it. I did, and the pains went away and have never come back. I'm now off ALL artificial sweeteners. I use honey and even plain refined white sugar, I just don't use it on everything under the sun. In recipes that call for sugar I generally cut it in half. I feel better and I haven't gained any weight due to the switch. It helps that I don't have a medical need to avoid sugar, but I don't think I'd go back to artificial sweeteners even if I did.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    worth looking into, Karen
  • ShoshanahM
    ShoshanahM Posts: 50 Member
    I get an itch on my forearms when I drink coke or diet coke--both from U.S. and European coke varieties...about 40% of the time I consume it. I realized my scratching left some scars last time. I avoid it until I forget, and then I remember why I don't drink it.
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    did the regular colas say they had artificial sweeteners in them cause the ones i looked at for the uk was clear of them and had glucose in them though i did find a supermarket one had barley malt in it.

    I've taken her completely off all artificial sweeteners now.
    my mum has always used them in her tea and said the canderel she is using now has sucralose in it and after i told her i thought that may be it she did say he had been getting red cheeks but not much,when she read what it said on the box it made it sound like the coating was made from it. there was an article on sucralose which stated it is used in the coating of all medication.
    it starts to get a bit scary after a bit of reading.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I get an itch on my forearms when I drink coke or diet coke--both from U.S. and European coke varieties...about 40% of the time I consume it. I realized my scratching left some scars last time. I avoid it until I forget, and then I remember why I don't drink it.

    I get that same itch on my forearms too. Wow, I thought it was just me but you just made me realize that there are so many foods & beverages that do this to me. I'll be doing a lot more reading of ingrediant's.