


  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    Awesome :)
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    Nice job Linda, can't wait to join you one Monday :) just got my book and read it cover to cover. It is so encouraging to hear the program is working! Keep up the awesome job!!!!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I started Monday, didnt weight it until Tuesday and Im down 3.4 pounds, and I didnt stick to the diet fully just its principles. I still had my coffee But what I did do is eat more good foods. No I didnt have anything bad, well maybe a pack of thinsations the other day (guilty as charge). I think I realized from all this is that your body really needs the vitamins rich food to function properly.And switching up from high protein to low fat to high fat is just something maybe everyone should incorperate in their diet. And be not be afraid to eat. Keep that fire up and roaring!

    Im not a big fan of her recepies only because Im not a person who likes spicy foods but Im still trying to add some in but not as much.
    Im guessing for 16.95 I bought something I already knew but just didnt have the actual knowledge to put it together that way.As for now Im gonna keep on moving forward still applying her techiques but in my style cause Im the one who has to stick with this.

    Goodluck and congrats!
  • Yay for you Linda! :happy: It is so wonderful to go into "new" territory! So happy for you! Im sure that provided a huge boost of motivation! Keep up the good work!
  • OMG....OMG.....OMG....Today is the start of Phase 3 and I am down 10.2 lbs. My work-out capris are loose around my stomach and butt. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Msburque
    Msburque Posts: 5 Member
    Lost 1 more pound since my last weigh-in on Wednesday for a total of 6.4 lbs since starting the plan on Monday!!
  • spicyi
    spicyi Posts: 18
    OMG....OMG.....OMG....Today is the start of Phase 3 and I am down 10.2 lbs. My work-out capris are loose around my stomach and butt. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yay!!! Great job!!! Keep it up! You are giving all of us so much hope!
  • spicyi
    spicyi Posts: 18
    Lost 1 more pound since my last weigh-in on Wednesday for a total of 6.4 lbs since starting the plan on Monday!!

    Great job! Everybody is doing so good!
  • spicyi
    spicyi Posts: 18
    I'm so excited to report that I finally after a year broke the 170's barrier! TOM is still here and I just lost another pound! I've lost a total of 2.8 since Monday and I'm so excited about that!:laugh: :happy: :tongue: :drinker:

    WooHoo! That's the best feeling, Linda! Getting into a whole new # set! Keep it up!
  • spicyi
    spicyi Posts: 18
    Starting P3 W1 and up .2lbs since yesterday. Actually, Wednesday and Thursday no change at all then up .2 this a.m. That's ok, I'm still down 3lbs since starting on Monday! I read in the book that P2 is just preparing your body to release all the fat in P3 so I'm super excited that I will lose some today!

    One problem......I have a lunch and wine tasting date with my SIL for my birthday. It was a groupon and this is the last weekend to use it. I am still going but a bit worried about the damage I will be doing. I plan on breakfast and dinner to be phase specific and lunch will just have to be a "freebie". Still have to live life and not stress out to much about it. Will just continue on Sunday as planned and on to the next week. If I have to add extra weeks than that is what I will do.

    Good luck, everybody!
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    I forgot to weigh the first day, but I'm down 2 pounds since the second!
  • AmyJo6050
    AmyJo6050 Posts: 10
    I have a girls get-together this weeked where we all PIG out that I have been worrying about. I have decided to just do everything right until and after that and try to limit my "cheating" as much as I can. I am not weighing myself yet. I am going to wait until the 28 days are up - but - I wore a pair of jeans yesterday (thursday) that I couldn't wear last friday. Yay!
  • caitsb20
    caitsb20 Posts: 2
    I'm jealous of all your results! I started Monday and was down 2.5 pounds from that weight this morning, but am also about to have my TOM so I'm hoping that's the reason :/
  • I started FMD Monday and am down 4.4 lbs this morning!!! I started phase 3 which I think will be my favorite. I love nuts! I can't believe how much I am eating and still losing weight. On weekends my hubby and I always go out and find something to get into. I will take my nuts for a snack and a couple of wraps in the cooler and will be fine! I just have to say no to my skinny caramel macchiato from Starbucks for 3 more weeks. I CAN DO THIS!!
  • 2eatcake
    2eatcake Posts: 11
    Started phase 3 today, I was down 4lbs since Mon. I hope the weight loss continues. I was a little confused on the portions today, I hope I got it right. Made the shrimp and veg stir fry tonight, delicious! Is anyone else a bit confused by the meal plan charts in book vs the ap? Good luck to all.
  • irlene
    irlene Posts: 10 Member
    I started this plan last Monday, down 5lbs! I'm excited! I hope I continue to lose. It is hell to try and lose weight after menopause.
  • I totally agree about losing weight and menopause. Until you have been there you can't understand. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this plan will be the magic bullet for the menopause fat train. I actually never had a weight problem until I hit 50. Getting old sucks! Good luck Irlene!
  • lmhall4
    lmhall4 Posts: 1
    I'm starting the diet next Monday. Y'all are making me even more excited from seeing all the good results!
  • adisej1
    adisej1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting the diet next Monday. Y'all are making me even more excited from seeing all the good results!
    I also plan to start on 4/29. I want to shop and have everything ready. So excited after reading about all the successes.:happy:
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I don't want to bring anyone down today, but I'm up 2 pounds from Friday :sad: I think I know why and I want everyone to learn from my mistakes. I work every other weekend and this weekend I was off so I slept in late. Starting my day off at later than I normally do pushed back all of my eating and I ended up eating dinner at 9:30 at night! I also didn't get in all of my water on Saturday or Sunday and therefore didn't eliminate any waste this weekend:frown:

    I was also very irritated with my husband all weekend long. I don't get to see very much of him during the week as he goes to school 3 nights per week. He chose my weekend off to go hunting! He came home Saturday at 5pm and then went to bed! He questioned how much money I was spending on food with this new diet! Then he went to the store and bought chips, icecream and candy and proceeded to eat it in front of me! In my head I was thinking, "wow, thanks for being so supportive"! Then after he ate all that crap he fell asleep on the couch for hours!

    I know stress can affect our weight loss efforts, so I'm sure this also had something to do with the gain.

    I'm still down 2 over all, but I had broken by 180 barrier and now I'm back there again! I have to stop stressing about it and move on. I'm just so irritated about my weekend and the gain and now it's Monday morning!

    I need a good long walk to calm me down when I get off work today.