Topic #3: Reaching your goals

Time to do a little research. In your first topic post, you shared a goal(s) that you would like to achieve with your health. I want you to research a diet and/or exercise program that would help you reach this goal. Once you find the website that you feel will work for you, I want you to cite this website in Noodle Tools and create an annotation. Once you create the citiation, copy and paste your findings in a reply to this topic. Good luck!


  • lundgrenhealth
    lundgrenhealth Posts: 20 Member
    Works Cited
    Crossfit: Forging Elite Fitness. Crossfit Inc., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <>. is a website that offers motivation and inspiration to reach my goals. The workouts are different, which will keep me from getting bored with a fitness program. They are also very challenging, which helps me push myself to new goals.
    Whole 9 Life. Whole9, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <>. I came across this website, This website offered a bunch of good advice on how to eat healthier. MyFitnessPal lets me know how I am eating day to day and makes me aware of my choices. This website gave me tools to help me achieve my goals cleaner and better.
  • Eating Well. Meredith Corporation, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
    diet_meal_plans>. I feel that this site can help me loose weight because
    it has low in calorie food that could help me cut back even more on calorie
    intake. All of the food in this website are healthy and they do not have un-needed
    fats or sugars. And if I can stick to a diet like this, I may be able to reach my goal.
  • Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic staff, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
    <>. Here is a site
    how to exercise the right way and it's only 5 steps. I would try this for
    myself and hope this site would help me. I hope that everyone would
    try out this web site and have fun with it and it's really easy to do.
  • James, Stacey. "Bolingbrook Bobcats AAU Basketball Team." Bolingbrook Bobcats
    AAU Basketball Team. Stacey James, 17 June 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
    <>. I play for the
    Bolingbrook Bobcats basketball team. This organization helps me stay fit by
    working out at games and practices. I work out 4-5 times a week with my
    basketball team. I don't lift weights, it's mostly cardiovascular.
  • Zelman, Kathleen M. "Healthy Ways to Gain Weight." Web MD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 22
    Apr. 2013. <
    how-to-gain-weight?page=2>. This site can help me gain weight because i
    informs me to stay away from fatty sugar filled foods. Alhough those foods
    help you gain weight its not healthy weight if i need to gain weight for
    any reason i should eat more of the nutients i need. Some more than others.
    I should have meals to my day, not just snacking. The article could even
    make me healtier than i am now. A meal in the article is just a simple
    turkey sandwhich with mayo lettuce and tomato maybe a fruit shake. If i can
    stick to this diet i may be able to reach my goal i set for myself.
  • Fard, Maggie Fazeli. "To Eat Right, Learn How to Cook Right." Washington Post 15
    Feb. 2013. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. its about how
    a nutritionist lets people know in order to lose weight you have to cook
    right to eat right. Taking time to actually cook healthy meals can actually
    make you motivated to lose weight .she recommands to identify what you eat
    everyday and see what is good for you and what is bad for you .
  • CPX Sports. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. <>. When I
    go to CPX Sport to play paintball, I sweat a lot because I'm running a lot.
    This will help me in my career in the future because I went to become a cop
    and this is target practice
  • DonCreal
    DonCreal Posts: 2
    CPX Sports. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. <>. CPX
    sports is going to help me stay active and fit because you stay moving
    around and you around your peers so you get encourgement to keep moving
    around and having a good time paintballing.
  • ariasl2
    ariasl2 Posts: 3
    37100787_1_gain-weight-deadlifts-exercises. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. The
    website offers tips on how to to eat right. Nuts and dairy are good for
    gaining weight. Eating less is actually better. You should eat three big
    meals. Junk food is not good if you are trying to gain weight because you
    devieve your body from healthy nutrients. It also tells you on how to
    exercise and remain healthy. Squats are great for beginners
  • Eat Well. Meredith Corp., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. <
    nutrition_health/nutrition_news_information>. This site show different
    ways to stay healthy. Also it can help with gaining and losing weight all
    while eating the right foods. I think if I keep using this website the
    eating tip will help with my unhealthy diet.
  • N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. <
    fitness-exercise/features/exercise-lose-weight>. the article helped me
    in so much. the website says that the key to be successful in losing weight
    is to just do your exercises right regularly. in order for you to lose
    pounds you need to burn calories. the website says that if you burn 3,500
    calories then you just lost a pound. this source ws helpful in so many
    ways. it showed me seven best exercises to losing weight. it also states
    that you should just do what you cn do like dont try and do something that
    is just to hard for you. when you begin working out with intervals or ny
    exercise start easy for 5 minutes then from their add up more minutes to
    your work outs and a bigger intensity. reading the article in the website
    explained to me how losing weight works. if i eat more calories then what i
    should have eaten i need to make sure that i burn those extra calories.
    after reding now starts my diet to lose weight and maintain the weight
    after losing it.
  • "Healthy Eating: Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet & Sticking to It." Helpguide helps you help yourself and others. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2013. < this wesite will help me stay on track to accomplish my goal on eating healthier it will give me tips on easier ways and even guide me through by giving me different and fun ways to eat healthier food so i wouldnt give up on it.