Topic #2: Food Inc.

After viewing Food Inc. in class, what is your feeling about the foods you currently eat? Do you feel that the issues with food are a government problem, or a personal choice problem?


  • It honestly makes me not want to eat meat any more, I hate to see the animals get treated that way. I think it's both goverment and personal choices
  • It really bothered me. I eat organic food and when I eat meat I know where it comes from and if it's cloned or not. I think its both because the government decides what's being done to the food, but it's your choice to eat it or not.
  • I just dont like how evil they are to the animals, but I love meat. So no, it does not.
  • It makes me think twice about what I'm going to consume. Its both a government problem and a personal choice, if we choose not to eat what the insist on giving us the government would;d have no choice but to give us what we want to eat.
  • I thought that was very disturbing Andrew gross. I actually look at labels now.
  • ariasl2
    ariasl2 Posts: 3
    I will think twice on where I buy my meat. I think it is both a personal choice problem but more of the governments problem.
  • It made me think about the horrible things they did to the animals, but I will continue to eat meat.
  • Makes me want to stop buyin food from the store and just go huntin myself during Youth Hunting
  • Making sure if the food that we eat doesn't have and diesases.
  • I think the government does what they can but it's mainly the people's choice.
  • after viewing the movie, makes me not want to buy food from the store and actually raise cows and chickens myself.
  • i feel that the governament is to blame and we are not fully aware of the situation because the government hides something that is really seriose personally and to the environment.
  • i feel that the issue ifs for both goverment and self. the government to be blamed because they are the ones allwoing the foods to go to the market. but its also our fault because we choose what we eat.
  • mleandro
    mleandro Posts: 3
    I feel like not eating meat no more. And I think its personal because your the one eating it.
  • I feel like i need to look at labels before i buy foods. Also it changes my mind on the foods i eat.
  • watching the video made me realize how bad i eat and makes me look at the types of food i buy