Topic #2: Food Inc.

After viewing Food Inc. in class, what is your feeling about the foods you currently eat? Do you feel that the issues with food are a government problem, or a personal choice problem?


  • At first I was hesitant about eating meat, and I said I wasn't going to eat meat or pork ever agin. But once I got home I ate some tacos, I was disgusted but it really didn't have an impact.
  • After watching the video in class it didnt affect me that much. I used to be a vegetarian and only eat greens and veggie burgers. I went to the doctor and they told me that i have to eat meat, because i needed some source of protein.
  • After watching Food Inc. I feel that our daily diets depend on both our personal choices and our governments choices. Although the government may not being doing what they should be when it comes to our food industry, they do not control what we spend our money on in the stores. The government could do a much better job at informing people about what exactly they are eating, but it is our responsibility to be aware of what we are putting in our body's on daily bases.
  • I feel that most of the food I eat is not that healthy for me and that the issues with are food are both government and personal issues but more of our own issue. Having the knowledge of knowing exactly what may be wrong with the food we eat , we should be more careful about the food we consume to better are health.
  • It made me think about my eating habits and how i can have controll over what goes into my body.
  • our food is somewhat a risky death hazard because of the way the farmers raise our food.
  • i think we should know what we eat. but im still craving a mchicken.
  • It makes me start to worry about what i'm eating and where it comes from.
  • PizarroJ
    PizarroJ Posts: 3
    I think it's both. It is the governments fault for what is going on with the food, how it's made. But it's also our fault knowing that we continue to go aheaed and continue what were eating and ignore the fact of how the food is made and that it's a potential health hazard.
  • I don't really care about what im eating as long as it taste good, and it won't kill me.
  • After watching watching food inc, still eat meat. I don't mind the slaughter house, I do feel bad for the life they live before they are killed.
  • Its more of a government problem because they are doing bad things to our food supply and somehow have the right to limit what they tell us legally.
  • i never want to eat anything again. Why would they allow us to eat that?
  • I feel like if more people demand for a change and cared then we might have food that's safer for us. But that's also up to the government too.
  • I feel that the food that I ate were good but at the same time were bad for my health
    Also I think is a personal problem that you choose wat to eat and you have the right to choose what to eat and not wat to eat.
  • After watching Food Inc. I felt disgusted by what happens to the meat, but I still went home and made the choice to eat me some meat. I think its both our choice and government influenced on what we eat. The government is able to regulate and certify what they want to, we dont really have a say in that. But we make decisions everyday on what we eat the junk food or the healthy choices.