Topic #2: Food Inc.

After viewing Food Inc. in class, what is your feeling about the foods you currently eat? Do you feel that the issues with food are a government problem, or a personal choice problem?


  • I feel like we are kind of being forced to eat this food because unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits. I believe this is a government issue because he is the one allowing it.
  • I feel like its a personal choice because you choose what you want to eat and yes i feel like its bad for me because im gaining weight by eating fast food instead of healthy food.
  • I feel that we aren't given much of a choice when it comes to what we eat. I also feel that we are forced to remain ignorant of what we are actually eating. It's both a government and a personal choice problem. The government is hiding information, while people don't bother to find the truth. For me, I feel that I don't eat too badly, but now I feel worse about eating fast food or junk food.
  • After watching Food Inc., I'm considering becoming a vegeterian. Seeing what they did to all those animals was horrible. I think it's our personal choice and the government's fault as well that we eat the way that we do because we like what we eat. Our bodies respond to salt, sugar, and fat, and so by just continuing to buy and eat fast food and other unhealthy things, it's as if we're saying we don't care. It's also the government's fault because they shouldn't be allowing us to eat things that could be potentially harming us. I do agree that there should be a label on food items to let us know that we are eating GMOs because I think that's disgusting. I think I'll definitely try do what the video advised us to do: buy food from a local farmer's market, buy things that are in season, and (or) plant a garden. :)
  • I feel like people don't really have a choice on what to eat; more of the healthy foods cost more than unhealthy foods. I think it's more of a personal choice. Some people can choose what to eat and most people go for junk food because of the taste and satisfaction it gives them, however it can also be a government problem. The government is letting us eat foods that have a ton of stuff we probably don't know of and that can be bad for our bodies.
  • I feel like we are kind of being forced to eat this food because unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits. I believe this is a government issue because he is the one allowing it.
  • After watching That video , it made me think about the food I intake everyday. I'm pretty sure that I wont stop eating it because I like it but I am positive that I will cut down a lot because that can ruin my body and in order for me to stay active in sports I need to eat more of natural foods. Like fruits , vegetables and grain. The video affected me a little but not a lot , it was nasty though >.< And also I think that it is a government and a personal problem because if the government isn't going to stop selling that stuff then it's up to you not to eat it. So it's kinda of half and half.
  • I feel that after watching the Food Inc, i need to start watching what i eat because i never know what they do to those animals and they are being so cruel to them. Also its all unhealthy for my body and everyone elses body umhealthy. Also showing what they did to those poor animals was wrong.
  • After watching the food inc movie it makes me want to read the food labels.
  • After watching that food inc movie i feel that i should start watching how i eat. When i saw that movie i felt very sad for how they were treating those animals .
  • After watching the video i feel that i should start looking at the labels more and watch what i eat. I feel that it is a government issue because there is only to a certain point people can watch what they eat. We have no control over what is put in the food and most of it is modified.
  • After watching the movie I feel like the food I am eating is junk. The government is basically force feeding us GMO's because they keep making it harder and harder for organic farmers to sell their crop, let alone grow it. Monsanto is basically untouchable thanks to the government. GMO foods are basically the new normal. It's just bad...
  • GMO was made to keep food growing and to feed american. but what we eat now is just worng.
  • I feel like what I eat is too unhealthy for my body. The Food Inc. made me rethink my eating habits and it may be hard to start changing them.
  • After veiwing Food inc i feel that i should watch what meat i buy and start buying locally instead of buying meat from wal mart. The reason i feel this way is because i dont know what is in the meat, how its processed, or where it comes from.