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  • Ginoo
    Ginoo Posts: 56
    Hi everyone, I'll be 47 in August and plan on being super fit and fabulous by then. I am buying myself sexy lingerie for my birthday (To me ... From Me). For as long as I can remember I have been caught in a destructive cycle of starving and binging. MFP has taught me the correct way of eating and I will be forever grateful that I stumbled upon this site.
  • Hi, I turn 47 in November, and wanna be healthier by then.
    I'm a mom to four and a military wife, ful-time college student.
    Just found this site today. Looks good.
  • :laugh: Hi I am new AGAIN, but this time I intend to lose the weight and get healthy!
  • Hi evryone!!
    I am Missy a 40 year old wife and mother from the southern Oregon coast. I have 1 son who will be 21 in June and have been married to my current husband for almost 13 years (together 19). To back up a little I was a mother at 19, a widow at 20 (3 months later) and diagnosed with cancer (non-hodgkins lymphoma in the spine).
    My husband is a commercial fisherman and gone quite a bit but when he is home we do a lot of camping, hunting, fishing ect. We live on 13 acres in the mountains on the coast and do a ton of gardening also.
    I spent almost 8 years being sick after my cancer diagnosis but I think about 7 of that (after the chemo and radiation) was more side effects form all of the pills they had me on. When I detoxed off of the HANDFULLS of pain pills, muscle relaxer, sleeping pills ect 2 years ago I felt like I "WOKE" up and I am excited to get my life back.
    As a teenager I was always heavy and was usually around 165-175...i only gained 18 pounds while pregnat! When my first hubby died I lost weight. Then got depressed and gained some up to about 180. Then I took a HUGE downward spiral and got involved in some bad things (drugs) and got down to about 150 when I left where I was livi9ng and moved here to the coast. I stayed away from the non prescription stuff and got up to 170 again.
    While I was going through the radiation I was on medication that BALLOONED me up to 265!...that slowly came off over a few years but I stayed between 210-220. When I detoxed I lost again and was down to 172. While I was sick I stopped haing my cycle for 6 years. We gave up on trying to have a baby. I think detoxing did something to my system because within 2 months my cycle was back (along with my endometriosis and cycts and adhesions) and I was back in pain...BUT....ended up pregnat last April only to quickly miscarry (4th time). The docs finally said enough is enough if I was not going to try and get pregnat again I needed it al out. The day I had surgery I was 218 and 9 days later when I walked out of the hospital (2 surgeries and a full hysterectomy later) I was 201. I had a HUGE cyst and tons of adhesions but really thing it was the fresh cut fruit they would deliver 24/
    ANYWAY....SO I have been actually trying to focus on cleaner versions of eating and tryingt o figure this all out and am currently at 195. The scale does not seem to be moving but my clothes are getting bigger. The sun is shinning here in Allegany so that means LOTS of yard work for me......
    I am sooooo looking forward to support from all of you and also giving support.
    Thanks for starting this group....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADD ME !!! I really need the help !

    Have a fabulous Monday everyone!!!
  • dalimama66
    dalimama66 Posts: 13 Member
    Good Morning! I'm Lisa, 47 years young and on my 2nd day of MFP, 1st group! Lost 35lbs last year but pretty stagnant since. WW for more years than I can count but couldn't imagine where I'd be without putting in the good fight in this battle. Hopeful and optimistic about MFP!
  • omari2013
    omari2013 Posts: 17
    Hello everyone,

    I'm Omari from Atlanta. 43. 186. I'm just today joining up. I'm on a journey to lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks. I started zumba saturday but high impact is too hard on my joints, I'm bummed and want to still burn minimum 500 calories daily.

    Anyway, I am excited to find a group just for me. I have a wonderful boyfriend, no kids and a happy life. But, am very self conscious of my body ( in particular lower belly) and want it gone once and for all. I feel vibrant and want my outside to reflect that . I DO NOT want to buy another wardrobe of clothes to accomodate current weight, and feel that now is the time for me to get off my *kitten* to do it.

    Happy to be here. I don't have many friends on here, so please add me Omari2013, as I would like to meet new friends and chat and offer support. Especially if you are in Atlanta, please reach out to me.

    Thanks for listening....
  • omari2013
    omari2013 Posts: 17
    Hi Teddy,

    Welcome... I'm Omari. I am new also. Just joined today. 43, live with wonderful boyfriend in Atlanta. No Kids ( still thinking about it since finding out HalleBerry 47 having baby number 2!!) Working on 20lbs to go in 20 weeks.. I will add you and we can offer support to each other.

    Have a great and strong day...
  • valeriezinda
    valeriezinda Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Valerie and I'll soon be 43. I have four awesome kids (23, 17, 13, and 9) and one ADORABLE 9 month old grandson! I am also in the final stages of a divorce. I've been doing MFP consistently for about 5 weeks and I'm down 8.4 lbs so far! I've been using it in conjunction with Runtastic. I'm a full-time student and I start a full-time job tomorrow! Needless to say, I'm busy, but I love it! MFP has really been a great tool for me so far! Just wanted to connect with others who are having success with it. :)
  • New416me
    New416me Posts: 8 Member
    Hi my name is Marilyn, a 45 y/o single mom of two men. I live in the Bronx in NY City. I have struggled of my weight since the birth of my children...20+ years ago. Sometimes I just want to give up but I love life. I want to be healthy so my outside fits my inside. I hope I can get inspired with some personal success here I go.
  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    Hi! I dont think I have posted here yet. I am Lisa, 43 and live in coastal Maine. I have two boys ages 11 and 7. I am pretty active, preferring to row, walk and workout with weights at home, but I am also trying to start jogging again and am on week 3 of C25k, which I love! Since hitting 40 I hit perimenopause pretty hard and weight loss has been pretty much nonexistant. I was able to maintain 170 and was recently put back on the pill for hormone reasons. I am now 180! ahhh! My ultimate goal is 140, but I love being curvy and I dont want to lose those. I would be happy at 150 being my max weight.

    I eat clean and exercise at least 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. Yes I cheat here and there but on the whole I eat better than most. I have a hard time sticking with any sort of program for more than 2 weeks! I feel like if I could be good for a month I would see progress which would then motivate me more to keep at it! Im so sick of the scale and all the tracking. While recording my meals does seem to help it just becomes a huge burden sometimes. I'd like to break up my 40 pound weight loss into 10 pound mini goals. Yet the scale has the ability to destroy me, even when I have been very good, so I think I may just get rid of it, or at least only weigh myself every 2 weeks. My goals may have a number value but honestly if I feel good about myself, sexy strong and confident and I see progress in my trouble areas, and can stand to look at pictures of myself, THAT is my ultimate goal really.

    I look forward to the conversations we have here and meeting some new friends! ~Lisa
  • I'm 40 somethign!!! Two years to go until 50 something! I am tired of being so tired of it that there is no place to go but up. II have always battled but this is the highest i have ever been. Help ladies!!!! i feel frumpy. :(
  • TiraFit
    TiraFit Posts: 7 Member

    I will be 39 by June this year. That gives me only a year to get my sexy back as I head into my 40’s.
    I still have tummy pudge 6 years after last of two children.
    Today: 190 pounds. goal: about 160 to 165 pounds
    Clothing: US 14 Goal: US size 12 or 10 (Healthy with curves)!
  • IamDianna
    IamDianna Posts: 37
    Hi - 40 and needing to get back to my inner thinner!

    Two kids under 9, too much tummy and a fat dog. Should be something there for me to work with.

    Started on April 22nd 2013 at 76 kgs (167 lbs)

    Goal is to weigh 57 kgs (125 lbs) by Oct 1, 2013

    That's 19 kgs (42 lbs) to lose, hopefully in about 5 months.

    But saying that, I will be happy to fit in a size 8 pair of jeans, so it's not all about weight. A bikini would be amazing, haven't worn one since I got married 13 years ago!

    I am trying to eat semi-primal under a zone type macro-nutrient ratio. Staying away from breads and pastas seems to work for me so far. Lost about 6 kgs already. Hope it doesn't slow down too much!
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 56 Member
    Don't let the scale get you down, especially if you are really active .... One of my good friends and I weigh exactly the same. I work out 5-6 days a week and she does not. I am 2 sizes smaller than her and the same height and weight. You can't get caught up in the numbers (easy for me to say) I like to take measurements or use a pair of jeans as a barometer for how I am doing because when I am really fit I am heavier. Hopefully that make sense
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 56 Member
    I am Kari
    I am a 41 yo mother of 3 boys. I am very active but I cannot seem to get the eating under control! I is more real for me now that I am noticing weight in places that it never was before and it is not coming off like it used to. I feel like I am racing against some unseen clock and if I don't take it off now I will be stuck with it forever:) Time to make some lasting changes and break the cycle
    Feel free to friend me
  • ChiliP43
    ChiliP43 Posts: 20
    HI Everyone

    I am 43 and just finished my college diploma while working full-time so I managed to gain 25 lbs in 2 years because I sat on my butt for most of the day behind a desk. I have the summer off before I start University in Sept and I would like to lose this weight and have some healthy habits formed so that I don't gain this weight again. In two years I want to turn 46 with a degree and in my best shape ever, but for starters I would like to get off this excess weight so that I don't have to buy a brand new wardrobe. If anyone wants to add me as a friend go ahead it would be great to have the support of people in my age group.

  • dcarbeno
    dcarbeno Posts: 22
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Dawn. I am 46 and from Michigan. I am working really hard toward my goal but as you all know it is not easy. My sister-in-law told me about my fitness pal so I thought I would try it. Any extra support couldn't hurt right? I have lost 26 pounds since the beginning of the year. I have discovered zumba and kickboxing which I love to do. I am looking for ways to stay motivated. If I can reach my goal of losing 57 pounds I will weigh less than I have weighed in 25 years. In fact if I can lose just 12 more pounds I will weight less than I have in 25 years. I keep telling myself I can do it. I can do it. I CAN DO IT!
  • :happy:
    Happy to join a goup!! Looking for support and motivation.
    I have hit the "bottom" and I need to make my way up to the top!! One day at a time - I've got this!!
    My name is Kim - I just turned 41. I quit smoking in November - and have slowly been gaining weight ever since. I figure if I can quit smoking - I CAN do anything!! I would love to have more fitness friends!!
    You can find me at teacherswife2.

    Happy Day All!!
  • Hello I am looking forward to making new friends and living a healthy lifestyle. I am 41 and from Nebraska. My goal is to lose 66 pounds and keep it off. I don't want to just diet and gain it all back. I am really trying to change my bad habits that have led me to where I am today. I have never really thought about the food I have put in my mouth. I just ate whatever I wanted. I never gave it a second thought on what it was doing to my body, if it was healthy or not. I want to eat healthy to fuel my body so I can be healthy.
    Looking forward to meeting new friends! :smile:
  • modmrs
    modmrs Posts: 1
    I turned 40 and finally got sick and tired of hating the way I look. Before I started my diet at the end of March, there wasn't an hour that went by that I didn't think about being fat. I put pillows over my stomach to hide myself when I sat on the couch. I wore gigantic chunky jewelry in the hopes of distracting others from looking at my huge body. I put myself in charge of taking pictures at family gatherings so I didn't have to be in them. I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and never felt full. I started to think that I'd turn into a goldfish... Eating and eating until my stomach eventually exploded.

    I'm still a mess, but I'm feeling a lot more in control now. I've dropped 16 pounds, and with every loss I feel more motivated to keep going. When I look in the mirror now, I see more than just the fat. I see my body changing in a good way, and I feel like I've finally stopped my slow crawl towards being buried in a piano coffin.

    Every day, it's still hard. And the days where the scale doesn't move, I feel like giving up. But I don't. And I won't. 16 pounds down, 50 to go.