
Hi! I am new to the group. I just started the process to get sleeved. I have my mandatory informational session on May 2nd. Good luck to everyone on your journey.


  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    Best of luck to you! A journey begins with the first step. I still remember coming home from my informational meeting and feeling like a whole new world was opening up to me. It was the answer to many prayers. I am 5 months post op, and I am excited to see what every day brings. It hasn't always been easy, and for me the progress has been kind of slow (in my opinion), but as long as my doc and my team feel I am on track, and I continue to do what I am supposed to do, then I am satisfied, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and rejoicing in my progress. I hope this turns out to be everything you hope it will be!
  • gwen6971
    gwen6971 Posts: 49
    Thank you!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I love my sleeve! Friend me if you like!
  • Ainsworth1
    Ainsworth1 Posts: 5 Member
    hi i am 3 weeks post op down 20lbs from surgery, you will have ups and downs in the first few weeks (at least i have) but i still am so pleased i made this step good luck! i will friend request you!

  • gwen6971
    gwen6971 Posts: 49
    Thank you all very much. I appreciate the support and your friendship.