Weight loss plateau HELP...

nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
I need desperately need some help. I have the flu last month for a couple of weeks and since then I have only lost 2 pounds, and it was during the flu because I wasn't eating as much. Since then, I have gained those 2 pounds back and when I weighed myself this morning I had gained another one. I think the pound from this morning is because I am sore from doing some lifting and running, but other then that I don't get why I am gaining. I work out 5 days a week, usually around 1 hour for 2 days during the week and then usually 2 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On the 2 days I don't work out I eat between 1200-1500 calories and the day I do work out around 2000 so that my muscles get enough nutrition back. I keep pretty steady at a 20% protein, 25% fat, and 55% carb diet. I have gained muscle, but I'm not losing inches. I was frusterated before, but now that I am in this group I am more so because I feel like I am going to keep gaining while everybody else is losing. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks in advance!!

I weigh 173 (or 174 this morning) if that helps. :)


  • First, I just want to say I am not any sort of expert but going off my experience.

    Second, can you edit your settings to make your diary viewable. Perhaps it is what you are eating? (Not sure, just wanted to take a look.)

    Third, the biggest thing you have to ensure is that you are burning more calories than you are consuming. How are you measuring your calories burned? Do you have a heart rate monitor that is monitoring your calories burned? Or are you estimating (like me) how many calories you are burning? (I just ordered a heart rate monitor to be more accurate.)

    I'm at a 1200 daily caloric intake, I do not up that on the days I work out, perhaps I should be doing that based off what I have read. I think there are other ways you are getting your nutrition for your body without upping your caloric intake. But I don't know, I am fairly new at this so it will be interesting to see what others say.

    And don't worry, we will not let you stay status quo while we are dropping pounds. We will help you!!!
  • Actually, I take that back. Its early in the morning and my brain isn't working. On the days I do work out, I do eat more than my 1200, but I don't eat back all of it. (Sorry, I was thinking that my MFP "calorie counter" was basing it off only 1200 calories per day, forgetting it takes into consideration my workout. So sorry for the confusion!
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    I think it's open now, let me know if it's not. I usually won't eat it all back, but the reason I hit a plateau last time is that I wasn't eating enough so that's when I started eating back more of it. I don't usually log how much water I drink, but it's at least 100 ounces a day.

    Oh yeah, and the way I determine how many calories I burned is just by putting how long I worked out on here. I was always told that workout machines aren't reliable, and the MFP app says I burn less than the elliptical says so I just assume it's closer to the right number.
  • Great, I saw it and went back about a week or so. One recommendation I have is to reduce the number of occurrences that you are eating out. Although the calorie content appears to be moderate in those meals, you will have more control of calorie, fat content, carbs if you make your own meals. It is healthier too. Perhaps you can try to eat out only once in a 7 day period. I am in no way knocking you for this, because trust me I love eating out but I don't do it while in this plan. I think I had chickfile once and that is it. I don't eat out.

    Also, substitute the treats for sugar free candy. I carry sugar free candy with me at all times so when I get a sweet tooth I reach for sugar free vs. real treats that is loaded with sugar.

    I would also recommend getting a heart rate monitor and track the number of calories you are burning to ensure you are burning what you think you are burning.

    I hope this helps... I would try this for two weeks and see what it does. You can do it...I promise. If that still doesn't work, post back...lets keep working on this.
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    I don't actually eat out as much as my diary looks, but if I make something at home that is like what I would eat at the restaurant I just use the that when I look it up because it's easier. I guess I should probably start finding a different way to log, though. I usually will get it about once a week, though so I do need to slow down on that.

    I will start looking at sugar free candy, I haven't really looked at it before. Thanks for the advice on the heart monitor... do you have a recommendation for one?
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    I hit plateaus frequently too and it's somewhat frustrating. Since joining MFP, I found a pattern in my plateau: every 6 to 8 days and then I don't seem to lose until 2 to 3 days later. Occasionally, I'll even see a slight incline my weight before it makes a comeback and drops. I hear change is the trick (because your body/muscles adjust and seek an equilibrium). I found if I change my food (like up fiber or protein) or even change what type of exercise I do, I can get past the plateau.

    It sounds like you're actually doing a lot of right things! Hang in there :flowerforyou:
  • I don't actually eat out as much as my diary looks, but if I make something at home that is like what I would eat at the restaurant I just use the that when I look it up because it's easier. I guess I should probably start finding a different way to log, though. I usually will get it about once a week, though so I do need to slow down on that.

    I will start looking at sugar free candy, I haven't really looked at it before. Thanks for the advice on the heart monitor... do you have a recommendation for one?

    Ah, I see! Well I guess what I am getting at is to be as accurate as possible, so that you can ensure you are burning more than you take in.

    I just ordered my heart rate monitor. I have never used one before so I don't have any good recommendations. Here is what I bought - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003HT88JQ/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. They have more inexpensive ones and super expensive ones... I thought this was middle ground with a lot of reviews....

    Walgreens has a great selection of sugar free candy. My favorite is Kroger Cinnamon drops...3 of them are 35 calories... much better than reaching for a cookie which I love!!!
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    Hello there! I have some ideas that might help you.

    I peeked at your diary and here are some things to consider:
    1. Watch your sugar intake each day and try to reduce it .
    - There are hidden sugars in things like sweetened yogurt, peanut butter, granola and low fat packaged foods

    2. Add sodium to your nutrition profile so you can monitor that.
    - Excess sodium will lead to water retention, which will show up as weight gain or a plateau

    3. Think about eating more meals per day. More frequent meals keeps your metabolism going and leads to more energy and weight loss
    - You can add small meals like fresh raw vegetables or a small bit of protein (like 3 oz of chicken breast).

    4. Prepare as much of your food yourself as possible. That's the only way to be sure about what you are eating (in terms of sodium and preservatives).

    I hope that was helpful, friend. We're in this together and we have all been frustrated. Don't give up. :flowerforyou:
  • Plateaus suck!! But consider your body was going through quite a bit dealing with the flu. It may just need a bit more time to recover.

    A few thoughts based on my experience and things I've read:
    First, are you getting enough quality sleep? I've read that getting the sleep you need helps you to lose weight.
    Second, if you aren't already, try working out in the AM. It jump starts your metabolism and so you burn more cals throughout the day.
    Finally, you said you did some weight lifting, but was it the kind that will really build muscle (high weight, low reps)? If not, check out New Rules For Lifting (original or the For Women version - both are great, especially if you have access to a gym). This book is a little hard to get the hang of, but once you do, it gives great lifting routines that vary over 6 months! Again, these workouts increase your overall resting metabolism by building muscle. The routine is always changing so it challenges your body and keeps you from getting bored.

    Good luck and keep up the good fight! You'll break through that plateau!
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you everybody. :)

    The "weight lifting" I'm doing is really just toning that is done with Jillian's 30 day shred, it's enough to make me sore but it's nothing hardcore. I might try working in the morning, I did it for a week once and hated it because it made me more tired but it's worth a shot. For the most part I get 7 hours of sleep, sometimes more or less... it just kind of depends.

    I usually will do things like eat throughout the day, that's when you see the fruit and granola, I just put it closest to the meal time I'm eating. Does that make sense? We'll blame it on the fact that it's a little early, and I'm still sleepy. lol

    I do need to get out of my elliptical rut and start doing something else along with my 30DS, I guess I'm just a creature of habit, but those habits have hit a plateau. lol

    Thanks again, everyone... hopefully I have good news on Sunday! :)