COMMITMENT 4/23/2013

okishkash Posts: 142 Member
Good Morning!!

Day3: What is your plan for the day?

Did you get to the goal you set for yourself yesterday?


  • johnic777
    johnic777 Posts: 13
    Go to the Gym and burn at least 500 calories.. I did not reach my goal for yesterday, but I did burn some calories..#Determined
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    My plan for Day#3 is to stay within my calories, and drink lots of water. Going to a concert tonight after work so my chances to get in some exercise are pretty slim. I do however plan on doing the squats challenge app on my phone at smoe point today.

    As for yesterday:
    I plan on getting a walk in after work, and starting Day#1 or the '100 Pushups' app I have on my phone. Also, it is Day#2 of my non-dairy/gluten diet so I am going to stick with that as well. Here is to a fabulous Day#2 for everyone!! :)

    I feel I met my challenge yesterday... I put in a 45 minute walk with some running intervals and cranked out an awesome 700 calorie burn! I also did my push ups work out once I got in from the walk.... I did wall pushups but my arms were still burning! I can't seem to do a 'normal' pushup so I am trying to work my way up. I plan on completing the app with wall pushups, then moving on to the full-form version.
  • omari2013
    omari2013 Posts: 17
    Good Morning everyone,

    Hope we all feel good about our challenge and I want to wish everyone all of the support and friendship today!

    I met my goal yesterday of working out with Zumba for an hour, burn 500 calories daily, but realized that I can't do high impact right now. Guess knees and joints are not ready for it yet. So, I 'm bummed and have to let the swelling go down. Afraid to take a walk, but want to keep up momentum

    Any ideas on what I could do instead?
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Today I will walk 30 minutes and do 15 minutes of beginner detox yoga (Gaiam).
    I met my goal yesterday and did not exceed my allowed sugar intake and walked 35 (over 30) minutes.
  • okishkash
    okishkash Posts: 142 Member
    Today, again, I plan to walk 10,000 steps (about 5miles) and climb 10 floors.

    I met my goal for yesterday. I walked 13,000 steps yesterday and climbed 10 floors.
  • otter619
    otter619 Posts: 8
    Good morning! I met my calorie goal yesterday, but not my exercise goal. I did about half of what I was planning. Today, I'm looking to stay within the calorie goal and to complete the Jillian Michaels Abs DVD along with a short run outside.
  • otter619
    otter619 Posts: 8
    I have bad knees too, but I find that the elliptical doesn't bother them as much. Swimming or water aerobics might be worth looking into too. Good luck!
  • Elid84
    Elid84 Posts: 7 Member
    I already went to the gym and exercised thismorning. Part of my plan is to make dinner at home and resist the temptation of getting take out.
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member

    Plan for the day:
    -My plan for today is to not eat out and to stay within my calorie intake goal.
    -I also want to walk 1 mile on the treadmill.

    Yesterday's Goal:
    -I sort of met! I did move around more than I wanted but went to bed around 7:00 instead of 9:00 because I wasn't feeling good :(

    Getting my butt moving today though! :)

  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    Good Morning everyone~!!!!

    This morning, I met my goal. Did W3D1 of C25K (getting back into running), and did an additional 20 min on treadmill at a 5.0 incline and about 3.8 mph. Burned a total of 410 calories on treadmill.

    This afternoon we are having an office luncheon to celebrate "Administrative Professionals Day", so I hope to make a good food choice. Very hard to do since most of the girls at my office are not healthy eaters!

    Have a great day and keep focused on you goals!!
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    My goal was to get out of bed earlier and sit-ups and push-ups until failure. Unfortunately it didnt take long till i couldnt do anymore, but then my next goal will be to keep increasing,daily.
    That's in addition to that stupid hill climb of mine.
  • junkintrunk5
    junkintrunk5 Posts: 93 Member
    I woke up at 5 am and completed 30DS, level 1

    Walking 2.0 miles (30 minutes) on my lunch hour

    My evening goal is to get another workout in.....:smile:
  • My goal was to get out of bed earlier and sit-ups and push-ups until failure. Unfortunately it didnt take long till i couldnt do anymore, but then my next goal will be to keep increasing,daily.
    That's in addition to that stupid hill climb of mine.

    That is what it takes, you keep trying until you meet your goal, then you set a new goal... You got this...
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    I'll probably stick with my elliptical tonight for 60 minutes, I need to switch it up but it's 45 and raining here today so I do not see me going outside. Something is better than nothing, right? :)

    I would like to get in a level 2 session of 30DS, but that depends on if my husband is home when I get home or not. I don't like doing that in front of him (we have one tv)... I look like an idiot. lol

    Have a great day!

    Edited for... Yes, I got my hour done last night also.
  • I woke up at 5 am and completed 30DS, level 1

    Walking 2.0 miles (30 minutes) on my lunch hour

    My evening goal is to get another workout in.....:smile:

    That is awesome! Great Job!!!
  • My goal today is to do P90, and hopefully do a short run. I am pretty sure I developed a shin splint and probably shouldn't be running, but I am going on vacation on Thursday and won't be able to run for 4 days, so Im hopeful I can work through it today if I keep my run as a light jog. We will see, but definitely I am doing P90.
  • My plan for Day#3 is to stay within my calories, and drink lots of water. Going to a concert tonight after work so my chances to get in some exercise are pretty slim. I do however plan on doing the squats challenge app on my phone at smoe point today.

    As for yesterday:
    I plan on getting a walk in after work, and starting Day#1 or the '100 Pushups' app I have on my phone. Also, it is Day#2 of my non-dairy/gluten diet so I am going to stick with that as well. Here is to a fabulous Day#2 for everyone!! :)

    Wow, great job!!! Gotta love that burn! Great Workout!
    I feel I met my challenge yesterday... I put in a 45 minute walk with some running intervals and cranked out an awesome 700 calorie burn! I also did my push ups work out once I got in from the walk.... I did wall pushups but my arms were still burning! I can't seem to do a 'normal' pushup so I am trying to work my way up. I plan on completing the app with wall pushups, then moving on to the full-form version.
  • Good morning everybody!

    I'll probably stick with my elliptical tonight for 60 minutes, I need to switch it up but it's 45 and raining here today so I do not see me going outside. Something is better than nothing, right? :)

    I would like to get in a level 2 session of 30DS, but that depends on if my husband is home when I get home or not. I don't like doing that in front of him (we have one tv)... I look like an idiot. lol

    Have a great day!

    Edited for... Yes, I got my hour done last night also.

    60 minutes on the elliptical is a great workout! There is no weather that can stop us!!!
  • Since walking 3 mi was my goal yesterday and I did none, I did not meet my goal; therefore, that's my goal again today.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    krk5235 - ...But you did what you could, and that alone is an accomplishment in my book! Embrace that hill, man!