
Hi my name is Katie. I'm a single mom of an 11 year old daughter Rylee. I am a christian and love to sing and dance before the lord. one of my desires is to start writing poetry I used to write it all the time but somehow stopped doing it. I write figurative poems like one I wrote was weeping willow dancing in the wind.

I hope to make awesome friends. we can all encourage and prayer for each other. feel free to post anything you wish.


  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, my name is Liosha... I'm a newly divorced mom of two... This is a new season for me as i was married for 7 1/2 years, separated for 1 year and divorced for 6 months. Both of us were very involved in serving in ministry, but he turned from the Lord and to drugs and alcohol. I'm pressing hard into Jesus with the hopes that I'll be content in my singleness the second time around... although it's not going well as planned. But I know I can do this with Jesus!
  • jzbjjm
    jzbjjm Posts: 30
    Hello my name is Jen. I have 2 children (one by a previous marriage and one by my current boyfriend) Their names are Zachary Alexander (for God has remembered) and Jeremiah Xzavier (a new house uplifted). I named my children by how I felt led to name them. For their names and meanings fit them perfectly and reflect God's relationship with me.

    I thank you for starting a group to meet new people that also have the Christian faith. I give God all the glory and praise for allowing us another day on this Earth, every day we are here means we have a purpose. I have been struggling with issues in my life but have recently began to go to church again (i bring my children) while my boyfriend doesn't attend I keep his salvation in my prayers and do not force (he is a grown man and God gave us the freedom to choose whether it be right or wrong). I pray for God to shower me with friends of encouragement and wisdom, to guide me into putting my whole life on path for him, clearing my heart of the hurt and pain of the past and to be able to witness to those that have experienced life situations I have. For it wasn't until recently that I realized I went through my life situations for a reason and that reason is to be able to use that as inspiration for others that aren't able to see God in tough situations.

    Praise God and God Bless you all ! Please feel free to add me and message me anytime. If you live in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia I go to God's Will Tabernacle of Faith it's located on 125 Franklin St. Our service is @ 11am on Sundays and Bible Study is 730pm on Tuesdays.
  • jzbjjm
    jzbjjm Posts: 30
    Hi, my name is Liosha... I'm a newly divorced mom of two... This is a new season for me as i was married for 7 1/2 years, separated for 1 year and divorced for 6 months. Both of us were very involved in serving in ministry, but he turned from the Lord and to drugs and alcohol. I'm pressing hard into Jesus with the hopes that I'll be content in my singleness the second time around... although it's not going well as planned. But I know I can do this with Jesus!

    Good morning Liosha, I too understand how it is being newly divorced. While it's been about 2 years since I have been officially divorced I still see the struggles with my oldest son adjusting to the two households. Praise God that he delivered you from that stressful situation. I know a lot of people have views on divorce but as my pastor says only you can vouch for what the holy spirit says unto you and leads you on your divine path for god. I have struggle coming back to my faith since the divorce and other situations in my life. However, praise God he has answered my prayers and directed me to a church I can call my home and I can finally be able to baptize my youngest child. I am here for you if you strength please feel free to message me anytime with prayer requests or to just chat.
  • jzbjjm
    jzbjjm Posts: 30
    Hi my name is Katie. I'm a single mom of an 11 year old daughter Rylee. I am a christian and love to sing and dance before the lord. one of my desires is to start writing poetry I used to write it all the time but somehow stopped doing it. I write figurative poems like one I wrote was weeping willow dancing in the wind.

    I hope to make awesome friends. we can all encourage and prayer for each other. feel free to post anything you wish.

    Good morning Katie, praise the heavenly father that you are blessed with the gift of poetry and song/dance. It's a beautiful thing and my most favorite thing to do and see in church is praise dance and hear the songs of gospel. I too use to write poetry but have strayed off, i haven't been felt lead to it. or when i have a good one i'm either in bed (trying to sleep) or not in a good place to write down and then i forget it lol.. Please share a poem/song/dance with us as you begin to write again.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    will do. I've been divorced since 2003. Ricojos we sound very similiar to one another . I was briefly enganged to a drug dealer back in 2009 but broke it off with him. I was becoming a lady I didn't even know and wanted to live on the danger side. I've been date free since then. I like you need to learn to be content in my singleness the 2nd time too. everyone is welcome to add me. feel free to post your struggles, ups downs, prayer requests anything you wish.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    You already know me, I've been friends with you for a few weeks now.
  • MsKaddee
    MsKaddee Posts: 1
    hello my name is kaddee i'm 48 yrs old with a grown daughter and this is my first post on this site. just want to connect with people that have the same interest as me and I love to sing as well especially praises to the Lord!
  • realmilk4me
    realmilk4me Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! I'm 26 and married with no children, just 2 dogs and lots of chickens, ducks, and quail. I'm so happy there is a Christian group! Hopefully we can spread some good influence around here.
    I'm a member of the Church of Christ as well as my husband.
  • Lauralee119
    Hi My name is Laura and I have three kids.. Anthony 13, Angelina 11 and Amanda 20 months old! I am a SAHM and I am loving it! I love my hubby dearly, we've been together 11 yrs and married 7. I love the Lord Jesus and I am excited to meet some christian friends! You will all be in my prayers!
  • MrsSamBoland
    MrsSamBoland Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. My name is Samantha. I have a 4 month old baby girl. Her name is Lily Belle. I also have two soon to be step children. They are Gracie who is 8 and Dawson who is 14. I love them as though they are my own. I lost my father last year to esophageal cancer, but through my faith in Jesus Christ I know we will be reunited one day. My father, after all he had gone through, said to me " Baby girl, no matter what happens remember to be like Job." He was an amazing man. Thanks for creating this group and I hope we can form some lasting Christian friendships.
  • Lauralee119
    Oh and I also love to sing to the Lord, however I am sure He is the only one who appreciates my voice LOL not a good singer haha
  • Penny427
    Penny427 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi! I'm Penny...33yr old stay at home stepmom. I have no biological children but I married my husband who had 5 kids with his ex wife. We have full physical custody of 3 of the children. 12yr old asd twins and a 15yr old, all boys. Married for 6 years, together for 9.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Hey, Everyone! My name is Crystal and I am a working mom who also goes to school while trying to raise 2 kiddos and take care of my wonderful husband of 14 years. We are all believers and love Jesus and The Church. My son, Jacob (12), does the media for the Children's ministry at our church, and my daugher, Sarah (9), helps new visiting children meet other kids and get connected. My husband, John, and I used to teach in the 2-3 year-old ministry until I felt God wanted me to go back to school. That's where I am now. Working hard to get my degree, while try to lose weight. I'll admit, some days it's pretty!

    Love the idea of having a Christian support system on MFP! I credit all my weight loss to God, since He continues to give me the strength and discipline to be successful.

    God Bless all of you! I can't wait to hear about your families and faith!!
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    defintely will be praying for all you guys as well. feel free to post any prayer requests or anything you need on the board. we are all family.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    Hi, I'm married (for almost 8 years). I have a nine yr old son and a 5 yr old girl. I work full time, (desk job). I was saved when I was in seventh grade, but only started truly following God within the last few years. So technically I'm still a baby Christian.

    I recently started singing at church also. It seems we have a lot of singers in this group.
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member

    Praise God and God Bless you all ! Please feel free to add me and message me anytime. If you live in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia I go to God's Will Tabernacle of Faith it's located on 125 Franklin St. Our service is @ 11am on Sundays and Bible Study is 730pm on Tuesdays.

    Hey Jen, I live in Richmond... how cool is that!!!!
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    Hi, my name is Terri.
    I LOVE the Lord, and I'm happy to be a part of this group! I also love to sing, but I'm pretty sure it's not a joyful noise to the Lord!
    I'm married with three children, two which are grown and on their own. My family is very active in our church, and we love our church family. One year ago, I was overweight and unhealthy. I prayed, and ask God to help me become healthier. This is the word that came.

    Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1Corinthians 6: 19-20

    Wow! Are you kidding me. All those years of treating my body like a garbage can. Time to clean it up! It's not an easy road, and still, there are times when i fail. God is always there to pick me up. He continues to light my path, and show me the way.

    Thank you Jesus!
  • Ruthy2007
    Ruthy2007 Posts: 11 Member
    My name is Chris and I'm an alcoholic. Looking to clean myself up and get healthy and stay healthy. My sobriety date is April 21, 2013. Have a long road ahead of me but I know that through God I can conquer this.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    My name is Chris and I'm an alcoholic. Looking to clean myself up and get healthy and stay healthy. My sobriety date is April 21, 2013. Have a long road ahead of me but I know that through God I can conquer this.

    Lord, God, I pray that you lift Chris up and give him the strength to conquer this mountain! Let him be humbled by Your word and turn to You in moments of weakness. Lord, I pray that you heal Chris's body from this illness and you make him whole from the top of his head, to the bottom of his feet. Make him a mighty warrior in You, so that he can take this healing and use it to help heal others! In Your name I pray...Amen.

    We are here for you, Chris! Let us know how you are doing!!
  • lhammond5
    lhammond5 Posts: 11
    Hi, my name is Liosha... I'm a newly divorced mom of two... This is a new season for me as i was married for 7 1/2 years, separated for 1 year and divorced for 6 months. Both of us were very involved in serving in ministry, but he turned from the Lord and to drugs and alcohol. I'm pressing hard into Jesus with the hopes that I'll be content in my singleness the second time around... although it's not going well as planned. But I know I can do this with Jesus!

    Phil 4:13 Sister! You got this! Well, actually HE'S got this!

    I was married for almost nine years, separated for a couple of those. I never wanted to be divorced, but it wasn't a good marriage. So immature. I always wanted to be in ministry, but my home life was an obvious train wreck, so it didn't happen. I went through a lot just learning to trust the Lord after that - by myself for a few years, and then the Lord brought me an awesome man of God. We are married 12.5 years now, and he parented my kids to adulthood because their natural father wasn't around (a blessing). God is faithful. We serve in worship and lead a home group and do short term missions around the world.

    Keep your chin up! The Lord's plan for YOU hasn't changed! It WILL come to pass. Take some time to heal, rest in his arms, and then get out there in the battle!

    All Heaven's best to you,