COMMITMENT 4/23/2013



  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    We have a family get together once a month and tonights the night. So my goal for today is to not have any desserts at dinner which will be hard for me as there's usually so many and they always look so yummy but I am determined!!
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    My goal for today is pretty much the same as yesterday: Strength training in the AM (which I've already done,) and a 3 mile run tonight, plus staying under my calorie goal. I'm trying to get my 3 mile run down to 30 minutes, but I still have a little more pushing to do to get there!

    Yesterday I did 30 minutes of strength training, ran 3 miles in 34 minutes burning 447 calories according to my treadmill! With those extra calories burned I ended up more than 500 calories under my calorie goal! I feel like yesterday was a success!

    Wow, you are motivated! You're on a roll!
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    We have a family get together once a month and tonights the night. So my goal for today is to not have any desserts at dinner which will be hard for me as there's usually so many and they always look so yummy but I am determined!!

    Not sure if this is good advice, but... maybe share a dessert with another person and don't feel pressure to have to complete your portion (like a fork full or two)?
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    I am plagued with allergies today (actually might be a cold, but i refuse to be sick) and so my commitment is to increase the amount of water I drink to day from my average of six cups to twelve to flush me out today. :)

    You might want to get in another walk too, heating up the body mildly through exercise can give you a "fake fever", which could help get rid of any bug you may have picked up more quickly. Unless I'm totally exausted, this is always my go-to trick for recovering from a cold quickly.

    Good idea. I took your advice and went for a 20 min brisk walk and it perked me right up. Thanks!

    I didn't know this! Great advice!
  • It's been great reading about everyone's daily goals and your paths forward! It is really inspiring and getting me focused! Thanks all!!

    My workout goal today was to get a weight workout in this morning. Check :-) I managed to bring my lunch & snacks again to work with me and just finished a really satisfying salad. I actually was not looking forward to a cold salad... so I nuked it just under a minute to take the chill off. I had avacado, pecans and feta in the mix so I feel like I actually ate something.

    For the rest of the day my goal is to keep eating well, stay under my calorie limit, and buy that frickin HRM battery. That's the one goal I didn't meet yesterday and it bit me in my jiggly butt this AM when my HRM couldn't get a signal. Radio Shack, I'll see you on my way home.
  • grk_tigris
    grk_tigris Posts: 48 Member
    My goal for today was to get in some exercise as I am going to a Southern Pleasures Party at a friends tonight. I got up a bit early this morning and completed the 20 minute Diamond Dozen Energy DVD. Hopefully will get some more in tonite when i get back. My goal for tomorrow. Day 1 of C25K.
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in serious crunch time for school, so my goal was to walk at least 3 miles, which I have done (it will be 4.5 by end of day). I am going to try to do situps when I get home, but forgive myself if I don't. I walked 5 miles yesterday, so goal met! But tomorrow I MUST get to the gym and do arms and legs.
    PS. The first time you squats and lunges REALLY HURTS.
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    I did it! Walked 40 minutes at lunch with my coworker. AND - I get her to join this group!!

    Awesome!!!! :)
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    Met my goal. Although, I will say that I did eat back some exercise calories today, but i did not eat out the entire day!
  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    Well I met my goal! So proud of myself lol :)
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    My plan was to try and fit in a morning workout. Other responsibilities came into view. So at least I got 50 min of gardening in before the rain hit. It was better than nothing.:flowerforyou:
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    my goal for today is to do 25 squats and 50 steps on the stair stepper.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    My plan for Day#3 is to stay within my calories, and drink lots of water. Going to a concert tonight after work so my chances to get in some exercise are pretty slim. I do however plan on doing the squats challenge app on my phone at smoe point today.

    As for yesterday:
    I plan on getting a walk in after work, and starting Day#1 or the '100 Pushups' app I have on my phone. Also, it is Day#2 of my non-dairy/gluten diet so I am going to stick with that as well. Here is to a fabulous Day#2 for everyone!! :)

    I feel I met my challenge yesterday... I put in a 45 minute walk with some running intervals and cranked out an awesome 700 calorie burn! I also did my push ups work out once I got in from the walk.... I did wall pushups but my arms were still burning! I can't seem to do a 'normal' pushup so I am trying to work my way up. I plan on completing the app with wall pushups, then moving on to the full-form version.

    FAILED yesterday, did not manage either goal I set for myself. I did not get home from the concert until 1:30am, and then I had customs documents to clear... that left me a total of 4 hours to sleep last night so I guess I will be making up for it today as best I can. :(