


  • LosingitinWY
    LosingitinWY Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! My name is Joy and I'm thrilled to be a part of MFP AND a Christian group! Here's the quick rundown on me: I am 39 years old, 5'1 and 200lbs! (50 of those pounds put on in the last 10 months!!!) I have been married for 19 years and have 4 children: 3 boys ages 19, 14, and 5 and 1 daughter who is 17.

    My goal for MFP is to get to my ideal weight by the time I turn 40 in October.

    I've been a Christian for 16 years. I am currently doing a Beth Moore Bible Study on the fruits of the spirit: LOVE IT! My verse for this endeavor is:1 John 3: 20: When your heart deceives you, God is greater than your heart. Being overweight can allow a lot of negative thoughts into your mind. When that begins happening, I remind myself that the truest thing about me is what God says about me....not what my own mind (heart) says.

    I look forward to getting to know you all and forming some great support connections for a healthier "us" and eternal connections as children of our Heavenly Father!!!

    Have a blessed day!
    Joy :)
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    welcome everyone it is so nice to meet you. Jen congrats on church and your new walk with Christ. I think its great that you sing

    Chris congrats on your sobriety that is fantastic. one step at a time one day at a time. don't look at how far you have to go but how far you have come.
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    My name is Chris and I'm an alcoholic. Looking to clean myself up and get healthy and stay healthy. My sobriety date is April 21, 2013. Have a long road ahead of me but I know that through God I can conquer this.


    Hi Chris, Your right, you have a long road. But, as child of Christ, you won't be on this journey alone. He is with you every step of the way. Get ready for warfare, suit up in the full armor if God!

    Lord, we lift Chris up to you today. We ask that you guide him, teach him in the way to go. Let him walk in your power and strength, and deliver him from the evil one, Amen!
  • lhammond5
    lhammond5 Posts: 11

    My name is Loring. I love the Lord so much! My husband and I worship and serve at a small non-denom church near Tampa Florida. We are on the worship team, lead a home group, and do short-term missions around the world. God has been so faithful to us in our 12 years of marriage. Between us we have 7 grown kids. We are also very involved wth Tres Dias, a 3-day movement. You may be familiar with Cursillo or Walk to Emmaus. Similar. Such a blessing!

    This week I am on a liquid diet for breakfast and lunch and a light, lowfat dinner in preparation for WLS (band) next Wed. It was a difficult decision, as I am not as obese as many who have the surgery. I am 5'6" and now 221.6 lbs (down 6 in two weeks). My husband had the surgery last year and has lost 110 lbs so far and is active and off his meds. It has been a struggle for me with my weight for many years. I have high cholesterol and foot and knee issues because of it.

    I know that surgery is not a cure-all. It is hard work, I've seen my husband do it. You can still eat all the wrong stuff and not excercise and actually gain weight after surgery. It is just a tool, if you can be disciplined to use it. Discipline. That's my issue. The Lord has been speaking to me about this for years: Going to bed on time. Being on time to appointments. Reading the Word. Taking care of myself. Following through on commitments. Keeping a clean home. I've grown so much over the last few years, and now I'm ready to do this.

    So many people think the surgery is a cop out. They think it is a magic pill and there's no work involved. I'm a little defensive about that. I don't want to be judged, so I've only told one person. I hope I can be honest here, and get the prayer and support I need through this process.

    All heaven's best to you,
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    My name is Chris and I'm an alcoholic. Looking to clean myself up and get healthy and stay healthy. My sobriety date is April 21, 2013. Have a long road ahead of me but I know that through God I can conquer this.

    Lord, God, I pray that you lift Chris up and give him the strength to conquer this mountain! Let him be humbled by Your word and turn to You in moments of weakness. Lord, I pray that you heal Chris's body from this illness and you make him whole from the top of his head, to the bottom of his feet. Make him a mighty warrior in You, so that he can take this healing and use it to help heal others! In Your name I pray...Amen.

    We are here for you, Chris! Let us know how you are doing!!

    ... AMEN
  • Ruthy2007
    Ruthy2007 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'm so glad I decided to join this group. Feel free to add me as a friend on here, I'm gonna need all the support I can get.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I'm Dottie. I'm 41, married to a good Christian man and we have been blessed with two sons--One in Heaven and J, our 20 year old. He has moderate to severe autism so at times its like having a two year old in a 20 year old body. Stressful at times, but never ever dull. :)
    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all as we go on this weightloss and better health journey together. Feel free to add me as a friend, I love getting to know people.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    @ Real Milk,
    So cool to find another member of the church! :) You are so blessed to have a farm. I want that someday. :)
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    Hi dottie. I used to work at a daycare as a teacher assitant and the instructor had me with the autism child . the teacher would get frustrated with the girl and throw her in the corner so I reported that teacher to the head of the school. so she made me to deal with the child which she saw I was loving and took to me right away.

    I have a niece Brooklyn who is 15 years old and is in a special school due to the trauma of shaking baby sydrome her babsitter got upset when she wouldn't quit crying and shook her hard so hard she has to wear diapers is legally blind and one eye etc.
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Hi I'm Stacy. I am 31 been married for a year and a half . I joined MFP in January after struggling on weight watchers and gaining weight like no body's buisness. my husband and I had been trying to have a baby since May of 2012 and in January I decided to work on my weight loss and pray that the baby would come because I was focussed on something else. Twards the end of January I was diagonsed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrom (PCOS), it explained so much. I have been praying for understanding why this is all happening. I have since lost almost 40lbs! And am starting to see some of the symptoms of PCOS decline.

    Faith is a very important part in my husband and my marriage, I am constantly praying for God's help for strenght and knowledge through my weightloss journy and my journey overcoming infertility.

    Looking forward to being a part of this group!
  • flowergirl45
    flowergirl45 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, My name is Sherry. I have been married for 14 years and we have a 13 yr old son. I really would like to find some Christian friends for weight loss support. Hopefully I am at the right place. I am 51 yrs old and the weight is starting to take a toll on my joints, mostly my knees. I also have high cholesterol and am on a statin. Can anyone else relate? When I think all that God has done for me I want to take care of the body he has given me. I need to lose 50-75 lbs. Prayers appreciated. I am new to this program so I have a long way to go. Thank you. Later...
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, my name is Liosha... I'm a newly divorced mom of two... This is a new season for me as i was married for 7 1/2 years, separated for 1 year and divorced for 6 months. Both of us were very involved in serving in ministry, but he turned from the Lord and to drugs and alcohol. I'm pressing hard into Jesus with the hopes that I'll be content in my singleness the second time around... although it's not going well as planned. But I know I can do this with Jesus!

    Phil 4:13 Sister! You got this! Well, actually HE'S got this!

    I was married for almost nine years, separated for a couple of those. I never wanted to be divorced, but it wasn't a good marriage. So immature. I always wanted to be in ministry, but my home life was an obvious train wreck, so it didn't happen. I went through a lot just learning to trust the Lord after that - by myself for a few years, and then the Lord brought me an awesome man of God. We are married 12.5 years now, and he parented my kids to adulthood because their natural father wasn't around (a blessing). God is faithful. We serve in worship and lead a home group and do short term missions around the world.

    Keep your chin up! The Lord's plan for YOU hasn't changed! It WILL come to pass. Take some time to heal, rest in his arms, and then get out there in the battle!

    All Heaven's best to you,

    Thank you thank you!!!

    God is faithful I know He is... What an awesome testament to God's faithfulness in your life. It is my hope to remarry... although I know within my head I have men until my kids are grown... but within my heart I would love to have a marriage that reflects Christ's love for the church... It's awesome when you see and hear about two people who are loving each other and serving God together... Thank you for sharing...

    Right now there is a gentleman who contacts me occasionally, but it scares the crap out of me. He's so handsome... (me still dealing with low self esteem) I sit back and wonder... there must be something wrong with him... why would he show interest in me? Sad, I know... So I keep him at arms length and pray the whole time we communicate that the Lord would help me to guard my heart...

    I know God has plans and purposes for my life and He has gifts in me that need to be used in His Kingdom... Last thing I need is a distraction.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    Hi sherry and Stacy its nice to meet you both. its great to have you here.
    Faith is a very important foundation it stands strong. I am glad to see how God is helping you every step of the way giving you that understanding in what you need.

    Sherry its great to meet you. we hope you find a lot of nice friends here. everyone is welcome to add me. I am a single mom of a 11 year old daughter.

    @ricjos I know how you feel as I am dealing with the same thing also myself with a guy I know too. He is a pastor's son of my neighbors church. he met me in town .he asked our neighbor to invite me to the church dinner as he was really shy but was really pleased when we came to the dinner. he came bye my house once before I missed him. he waves at me around town and was so pleased to have a friend his age to talk too.
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    Hi sherry and Stacy its nice to meet you both. its great to have you here.
    Faith is a very important foundation it stands strong. I am glad to see how God is helping you every step of the way giving you that understanding in what you need.

    Sherry its great to meet you. we hope you find a lot of nice friends here. everyone is welcome to add me. I am a single mom of a 11 year old daughter.

    @ricjos I know how you feel as I am dealing with the same thing also myself with a guy I know too. He is a pastor's son of my neighbors church. he met me in town .he asked our neighbor to invite me to the church dinner as he was really shy but was really pleased when we came to the dinner. he came bye my house once before I missed him. he waves at me around town and was so pleased to have a friend his age to talk too.

    Hey Katie... I would be freaking out.... At least this guy is half way across the country which gives me an opportunity to really address my motives and weigh them before the Lord. I know that Jesus is the only one who can satisfy the longing in our souls and I constantly need to remind myself of this.

    We met at a training class to which he approached me.. Totally threw me off... but I saw him looking at me several times during the class, but I brushed it off (low self esteem/self worth) . But I didn't contact him...AT ALL!!! But saw him again at another training class..and he approached me again... So we've been contacting each other since January...

  • Hi ya'll! name is Stephanie... I'm a forty something year old mom, wife, grandma and child of the King! I love spending time with my famiy, attending church services and serving the Lord.

    I was doing a lot of emotional eating before I joined instead of thinking on those things which please the Lord and looking to Him for help.... We are supposed to "eat to live" not "live to eat"

    I wanted to be able to encourage others on their walk as we all share a common goal. I am abundantly blessed beyond measure that God led me to my fitness pa! I have met some truly amazing people!

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me!"
  • spoarch21
    spoarch21 Posts: 7 Member
    Glad to find a group of Christians to share my journey with. My name is Sandra and I've been married for almost 19 years. I am the girl that was skinny all through my younger years and could eat anything I wanted. Well, just as I was told it all caught up with me. I was 5'7 and 112pds when I got married. After my first two children I was at a good weight, about 150pds. I had my 3rd child 6 years ago, my oldest two were 10 and 12 at the time, that is when my problem began. I developed a thyroid issue and 2 years later my mother who was my best friend was diagnosed with brain cancer. After 6 months of fighting that battle beside her she went to her Heavenly home. I am a stress eater so over the last 4 years I have gained about 65pds. I have tried dieting several times only to fail each time. Recently, I joined a book study at church called Made to Crave that has changed my life. It teaches us how to crave God rather than food and unhealthy lifestyles. My mind set has changed and I'm determined to be a victorious woman this time. The group is very supportive and encouraging and we pray for each other daily. I am the women's leader at my church and I want to be a positive role model in every way to the ladies and the younger girls alike. My body is the Holy Spirit's temple and it is time to treat it as such. Prayer and advice are greatly welcome. Started this journey back 2 1/2 weeks ago and I have lost 6 pds so far.
  • katkween
    katkween Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm Kay in Houston, Texas.

    I was saved when I was 38. I am now 56. I've been married for 31 years, but have no children. I have two precious cats. I had three abortions and I believe that's when I started drinking. While I was still a drunk I decided that I didn't deserve children and had a hysterectomy.

    I've been laid off for 4 years now and feel like my weight is a huge (no pun intended) reason I'm not getting jobs. I know going to chruch and being with my church family is good for me, but instead of turning to God when I'm having problems I tend to turn away -- which is what I'm doing now, but I am really excited to be a part of this group and get connected with people who believe as I do - Jesus is my saviour!

    Eveyone has a different story, but they have one thing in common. Turn to God for guidance and comfort for any little or big thing you feel you can't deal with. Easy to say the words - sometimes hard to do.
    In His Precious Name,
    KatKween (Kay)
  • Redjayda
    Redjayda Posts: 1
    Hi All, I'm new to this group. Looking to find friends help to keep motivated. We can motivate each other through this journey. I have been on a journey for a while and realized that it my turn to take care of me. I am worthy and deserving of God loves and blessings. I know now I'm ready.
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    Hi. I'm Sherry and I'm from Ft Walton Beach Florida. I'm 55 and have been married to my high school sweetheart for 37 years. We have a daughter (35) and a son (27) and 6 beautiful grandchildren. My weight problems started when I first got pregnant and my hormones went crazy. And it's just escalated since then!! I was on MFP faithfully for many months then I had knee replacement surgery and life just sort of spiraled out of control for me. But, I'm back now to pick up where I left off!!

    It was very encouraging and inspiring to read all of your introductions. I pray you all have success both in your weight loss and your other life journeys / battles. :flowerforyou:
  • BlessedOne2019
    BlessedOne2019 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello, to all! I am so glad to see that faith in God is spread all over the US, and beyond! I am in Fort Worth, married to a wonderful man, who has been called to preach, and have a (almost)15 yr old daughter. We all serve in some capacity in our church, and enjoy every minute of it! Being from a life that was wrapped up in the world, when God brought us out of it, I knew that I had to make some changes. But not without His help...and, of course I did not implement those changes right away! Now that my husband will prob be starting bible college, there is no better time to start making them! I hope to make many new friends here, with some lasting results and support groups!