

  • stratmantl69
    I'm still banging away on The Harbinger server as a subscriber. Maybe its because I'm a Star Wars fan-boy that I'm mostly content with the game. Level caps come and go on most MMOs. The new expansion pack will raise the cap to 55 and add some new content. So it doesn't look like BW is resting on its laurels. WoW took nearly three years to come out with Burning Crusade and it only raised the cap by the same rate. WoW has been out for over 8 years; SWToR has been out a little over one year. From my perspective, they're moving along as fast as they can. Sometimes a little too fast for my taste..........(damn 1.3 patch.....grrrrrrr)...........

    I generally have no problems with F2Pers, but it gets tiresome hearing them complain in chat about how restricted things are. Hey, you get what you DON'T pay for. I'm sorry, but that's how life is. I've spent more money on worse things with even less returns over the course of a year. So I happily pay my sub fee while Force Choking lesser beings and slamming them into walls before finishing them off with my lightsaber............Long live the Emperor, baby.... ............ :devil:
  • Rangarth
    Rangarth Posts: 121
    Just bought it and playing on Harbinger. Still trying to figure out class I want to play.
  • stratmantl69
    Just bought it and playing on Harbinger. Still trying to figure out class I want to play.

    I have both Empire and Republic toons of various classes. Holler out if you ever want to group up, I'm all about helping other players out.
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    I've been a huge fan since day one. I enjoy the hell out of it. I can see why folks wouldn't like it, however.

    I grasp at anything Old Republic anyway, so it's heaven for me :)
  • Bubsys_mom
    Bubsys_mom Posts: 124 Member
    I played SWToR for a couple months off and on. It just didn't hold my interest very well. Even though I have a few issues with WoW (flippin rep grinding...) I can't get myself into any other game. WoW has stolen my soul....damn Blizzard! Damn Blizzard to HELL!!!
  • Rangarth
    Rangarth Posts: 121
    Settled on Sith Inq Sorc Lightning (but thinking of doing heal).....Name is PsyPsy. Also thinking of making another to do the Assassin class.
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    I still play it and still enjoy it. It's a lot more fun when you have somebody to play with (I play with my husband.) I stopped for about 6 months at one point until FTP came out. I played that for about 2 weeks and then resubbed. My main is a Sorcerer (name is Navaa,) on Begeren Colony.

    Empire FTW!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I have it on my computer, have a 30something trooper... got tired of just how incredibly restricted FTP is. I started MMOs with EQ1, and EQ1 and 2 are FTP with less overall restrictions, so I'm playing them a lot more.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I have no desire to play it again, but my husband went back and actually enjoyed it so much he chose to subscribe. *shrug*
  • EMJenkinson
    EMJenkinson Posts: 22 Member
    Hoooow did I miss this topic?? I <3 SWTOR. So much so that I play it pretty much every free moment I have. ^_^

    I actually run three guilds with my boyfriend on The Harbinger - two empire side and one republic side. Feel free to hit me up in game - my main is Liryncka. If I'm not on her, just ask anyone in Black Blade Brigade if I'm around.